Driver swing


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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how did that go strike and shot result wise

It was still a fade, but maybe 5-10 yards after starting straight.

I had a playing lesson today, which was a great experience. We spent a bit of time working on the driver, really trying to get me to get the club set much better and then committing to turning through the ball. I'll try and put a little video up, but need to change the format. Was really happy to hit a 271 yard drive up the 18th at Stoneham.

Changes made to set up really seemed to make a big difference, my feet were too far apart which was making ti hard for me to rotate properly, plus standing a touch closer to the ball and allowing my arms to hang a bit more.
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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It was still a fade, but maybe 5-10 yards after starting straight.

I had a playing lesson today, which was a great experience. We spent a bit of time working on the driver, really trying to get me to get the club set much better and then committing to turning through the ball. I'll try and put a little video up, but need to change the format. Was really happy to hit a 271 yard drive up the 18th at Stoneham.

Changes made to set up really seemed to make a big difference, my feet were too far apart which was making ti hard for me to rotate properly, plus standing a touch closer to the ball and allowing my arms to hang a bit more.

good to hear some better progress going down ... cool

yep that's what was speaking to in the early post around how the tad of a reach out away from body with hands and arms was having a detrimental affect on the 'set' so it was a tad too flat
so a deal better looking to have the feeling of the arms less out and away from body so they could move off the ball straighter back easier then to have a tad 'steeper' handset upwards ('thumbs pointing more up to sky') to get into better position at the top which would help with the sync of transition so then less of a tendency for 'out n'over' starting down and swing ing too far leftfield through impact
as this all was helping to trigger a 'hang back & stall' some of the body motion into through impact so hindering a good continued rotation through the ball

for sure a tad wide stance would make rotation hips/body a ways more difficult - hard to see stance width to any degree with just a dtl viewpoint on video

that's why it's real important going forwards to even more improvements that when recording practice sessions (not meaning just for posting but to have something to look back on to monitor your own progress to see if you really are being able to work in the changes the Pro has indicated would help) its video of 2 viewpoints so from both the dtl and also the caddy view (face-on)

as a ways impossible to get good visual info on stuff like stance width/secondary spine tilt posture/ball position/shaft angle/where the hands n'handle are in relation to body/grip alignments from the dtl view only

also real good to get both these video viewpoints on file when swinging a good deal better after some changes

then there's always a record to look over should things start to go 'south' in the game again at some point later on - as you got a good template reference to go back to look over

keep going & good luck with it