Driver swing


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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I'm currently suffering with driver issues in terms of consistency. 7/10 times I will have left to right ball flight, I know enough to know this is caused by an open club face in relation to my path but I am struggling with controlling it.

Looking at the video below, I think i set my wrists a bit early, which looks like it is opening the club face too much. It also looks like my weight is getting a bit too far onto my toes which is causing me to come over the top which is where my left to right shape is coming from (in my view). Generally the ball starts pretty close to straight, so I am thinking it is more the path which is causing the issue?

I appreciate it is only a DTL view, but any comments would be greatly appreciated.




Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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If you see the pics below you will see your club head appearing on your follow through around elbow height.
Try and get it to appear around your shoulder, that will help to straighten out your path



Head Pro
Nov 16, 2016
West Sussex
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If you see the pics below you will see your club head appearing on your follow through around elbow height.
Try and get it to appear around your shoulder, that will help to straighten out your path

View attachment 21783

I'm thinking Steve is losing his posture a bit through impact, standing up and hips driving towards the ball?
That results in a number of issues...
The weight it bit too much into toes, so the hands go out from the top, causing out-in path, so he's always going to have spin heading right isn't he?

If he can get a bit of a dip/squat into his first move with feel of hands dropping directly down that should allow him to stay in posture and correct hand path?

Interested to hear more on that though...
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Journeyman Pro
May 1, 2009
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It might be me, but that driver shaft looks at least an inch too long - I reckon you would have better results with a shorter shaft......and following Bob's advice ;)


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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Thanks for all of the comments.

Im very new to using the driver, so I know I'm on a bit of a learning curve. The video I posted in my opinion was the worst one I filmed, I'd rather put the worst one up with the faults so I can get feedback. I have learnt with my swing (with irons), if I get the club to the top of the swing well then the down swing flows quite nicely (see other threads for this if interested). I used to suffer massively with tempo, I am getting there now but still have the odd slip. I think the tempo issues probably cause a lot of the other issues due to throwing me off balance and from then on I am fighting too much.


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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Looks like a very repeatable fade swing.

Why not just aim up the left side of the fairway and let er rip.

In an ideal world, I'd like to straighten it out a bit, I can hit it straight and draw it too, but the bad strike it a big fade/slice and Im trying to remove the cause of that. Im not against a fade, its just the big slice I don't like


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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You are swinging very much to the left. The more left, the more curvature you will put on the ball.

Bob's bedcovers drill could help to neutralize your swing path.


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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You are swinging very much to the left. The more left, the more curvature you will put on the ball.

Bob's bedcovers drill could help to neutralize your swing path.

I know, on my bad swings my weight goes into my toes, I come over the top and I swing towards the left. This is what I am trying to reduce. I used to have the same issues in my irons, but I have almost eradicated it.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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certainly true that the swing direction(path) into through impact being a tad leftfield is giving the impact conditions to give the contact & shot curvature/direction issues

for sure the tad lowish exit point to the clubshaft as it appears past the body kinda goes hand in hand with the swing direction(path) issues
again true if looking at a bunch of Pro swings (Rory, Justin, Jason, Adam) from dtl and pausing as the driver shaft first appear other side of body on the ways to the finish will see that exiting approx around the lead shoulder so that would be something to work to

maybes able to do that and adapt to control starting direction/curvature etc but what's going down before may make that a tad difficult

definitely right in the self-analysis of the early hand action being involved in being a primary cause of what happens after

tad of a 'reach' at set-up to the very final set-up position then the early lead hand over set is pushing the hands out and the shaft on a 'flatfish' early 'plane' clubhead behind some then to get to the top a bit of a lift up this forces posture out on the toes more (see trail leg moving more out onto toes) and at transition makes the downswing led from the top so out n'over a tad so to maintain balance and get to the ball the swing direction has gotta be coming tad outside swinging leftfield through impact with a bit moe of a hang back and stand-up to be able to maintain balance

would think slight adjustment at set-up so the final set-up position is more like the point in the set-up before the final push/reach out with the arms and hands to get club finally begin the ball then be tad easier to take the club back without any early break keeping the clubhead outside the hands a tad then the hands/wrist set can be more 'up' thumbs to sky some shaft little ways 'steeper' going back to the top with the weight pressure through the center feet into trail heel at the top - from there a ways easier to start transition from the ground up and swing into the ball from a tad inside to target to inside and have that exit shaft point around the lead shoulder

if care to take the time to look through these dtl swings checking address positions weight balance and the position of the shaft when first horizontal to the ground
then how the 'thumbs' set more to the sky to put shaft 'plane' a tad steeper when lead arm first horizontal to ground

then how from the top the motion can better start from the ground up to set the shaft/club more in a position to come into the ball from the inside to square to back inside to exit someways around the lead shoulder (in that being just under or inline or just over)
may help some (says Brooks Koepka graphic on first frames but is Justin Rose)


Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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certainly true that the swing direction(path) into through impact being a tad leftfield is giving the impact conditions to give the contact & shot curvature/direction issues

for sure the tad lowish exit point to the clubshaft as it appears past the body kinda goes hand in hand with the swing direction(path) issues
again true if looking at a bunch of Pro swings (Rory, Justin, Jason, Adam) from dtl and pausing as the driver shaft first appear other side of body on the ways to the finish will see that exiting approx around the lead shoulder so that would be something to work to

maybes able to do that and adapt to control starting direction/curvature etc but what's going down before may make that a tad difficult

definitely right in the self-analysis of the early hand action being involved in being a primary cause of what happens after

tad of a 'reach' at set-up to the very final set-up position then the early lead hand over set is pushing the hands out and the shaft on a 'flatfish' early 'plane' clubhead behind some then to get to the top a bit of a lift up this forces posture out on the toes more (see trail leg moving more out onto toes) and at transition makes the downswing led from the top so out n'over a tad so to maintain balance and get to the ball the swing direction has gotta be coming tad outside swinging leftfield through impact with a bit moe of a hang back and stand-up to be able to maintain balance

would think slight adjustment at set-up so the final set-up position is more like the point in the set-up before the final push/reach out with the arms and hands to get club finally begin the ball then be tad easier to take the club back without any early break keeping the clubhead outside the hands a tad then the hands/wrist set can be more 'up' thumbs to sky some shaft little ways 'steeper' going back to the top with the weight pressure through the center feet into trail heel at the top - from there a ways easier to start transition from the ground up and swing into the ball from a tad inside to target to inside and have that exit shaft point around the lead shoulder

if care to take the time to look through these dtl swings checking address positions weight balance and the position of the shaft when first horizontal to the ground
then how the 'thumbs' set more to the sky to put shaft 'plane' a tad steeper when lead arm first horizontal to ground

then how from the top the motion can better start from the ground up to set the shaft/club more in a position to come into the ball from the inside to square to back inside to exit someways around the lead shoulder (in that being just under or inline or just over)
may help some (says Brooks Koepka graphic on first frames but is Justin Rose)

Thanks, will take some more videos tomorrow and update