Driver Swing - More Lower Body Movement?


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Aug 1, 2014
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I've been working on my driver swing recently with my coach, and the first thing we've done is flatten out my back-swing, as I was getting very steep at the top, and it was causing all sorts of horrendous issues. I've managed to work in the flatter backswing quite nicely, and really like the look of my finishing position, but after filming myself this weekend I noticed there was very little lower body movement. When I watch videos of the pros face-on, particularly guys like Rory, there's a lot of lower body movement in the downswing, but I stay very upright and it looks like pretty much all the power is coming from my arms. Here's the video:


So basically, I feel like I get to the top nicely, but on the way down I basically just turn my hips and let my arms come through. It's working pretty well, and I was driving the ball as well as I ever have over the weekend, but to me, it looks like I'm losing a lot of potential power due to the lack of lower-body movement. What do you reckon? Do you think I need to use the ground more in my downswing? And if so, how do I go about doing it? What are your thoughts on my swing?


Nov 16, 2011
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Does seem a little 'locked back leg'-ish which can cause loss of power.

But it's something that you should discuss with your coach, as he will have 'the plan', even if it's only in his head and he hasn't enlightened you!

The fact that you are hitting it better than ever is surely a good thing though! It's quite possible that there was too mush lower body movement earlier, or that you are simply better having a fairly 'armsy' swing! It's all a case of finding the right swing for you!