Driver, help needed to get it lower.


Medal Winner
Sep 23, 2009
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Sick of hitting my driver so high it nearly lands with back spin. I went to see the pro for a driver fit, my 9 degree G25 Ping with stiff serrano shaft was spinning the ball at 6000revs (should be 2500ish), after 1hr 30mins looks like either i20 ping or the anser model, he did say this alone will not cure it technique plays a big part as well. Anyone got any good tips on drilling it low?
Sick of hitting my driver so high it nearly lands with back spin. I went to see the pro for a driver fit, my 9 degree G25 Ping with stiff serrano shaft was spinning the ball at 6000revs (should be 2500ish), after 1hr 30mins looks like either i20 ping or the anser model, he did say this alone will not cure it technique plays a big part as well. Anyone got any good tips on drilling it low?

Hitting up on your drives reduces spin, so you could look at ball position within your stance and angle of attack, you could also look for a low spin low launch shaft to pop into the g25
Have you tried teeing the ball a little lower?

I normally use pink castle tees (60mm) for my driver. Occasionally I go through little spells of getting under the ball a wee bit off them, and when this happens I drop my tee height to white castles (50mm) for a round or two and then revert back.
I suspect your problem is with the spin not the launch, the longest players in the world put it up into the gods. A good lesson on a launch monitor along with the correct shaft should help you realise what you need to do.
Have you tried teeing the ball a little lower?

I normally use pink castle tees (60mm) for my driver. Occasionally I go through little spells of getting under the ball a wee bit off them, and when this happens I drop my tee height to white castles (50mm) for a round or two and then revert back.

Be careful with this, teeing lower forces you to steepen your angle of attack, coming in steeper will increase spin because your hitting with a descending blow.

We are all guessing here at key factors, get a lesson with a pro as he can assess you in person not make guesses from behind a keyboard
When I went from 7k spin to 2.4k my driving changed for the better.

I have a Cleveland Classic XL 9* Stiff and its amazingly low spin, the taller "deeper" face is lower spinning than a flatter shorter face.

My driving, apart from when I put a terrible swing on it, is pretty good now.

Remember the golden rule in golf you hit down to hit up (by adding spin). So don't do anything that causes you to hit down more.

Lessons are the first port of call, plus some launch monitor time. Then maybe a new driver fitted to lower your spin.
There is clearly a technique issue here, to get 6000rpm from such a straight faced club is quite an achievement. As a quick fix you can look at ball position, try to get it far enough forward to sweep it away on the upswing but not so far forward that you are cutting across it. Second thing is book a lesson to have your technique looked at before changing your driver.

Good luck :thup:
i too have this problem and it is completely swing related,you need to get on a launch monitor and check your launch angle also,you may have a chopping action which pops the ball up quickly.I'm going for lessons to try and sort it out.
Do you have a high ball flight on the rest of your clubs?
Sick of hitting my driver so high it nearly lands with back spin. I went to see the pro for a driver fit, my 9 degree G25 Ping with stiff serrano shaft was spinning the ball at 6000revs (should be 2500ish), after 1hr 30mins looks like either i20 ping or the anser model, he did say this alone will not cure it technique plays a big part as well. Anyone got any good tips on drilling it low?

go and see the pro for a 'driver lesson' rather than a 'driver fit.........'
You will be coming into the ball a little steep which is causing the high spin rate. A few lessons will help but a low spin driver and shaft with a stiff tip will definitely help reduce the spin. If you are not sure is which drivers are lower spinning do a search on google there's loads of info.
Two things stand out for me. It sounds like the technique has a glitch (angle of attack???) and that the Serrano stiff shaft may not be the best suited. Get the technique sorted so you have a more penetrating flight and then you can tweak the shaft set up if you still want a more optimum performance
I had a 9* G15 with Serrano Stiff and am, or at least was, a traditional 'high spin' (though only measured at 4k) player.

I found that teeing the ball higher and slightly more forward was the best way to reduce spin, even though the Launch seemed higher than I prefer.

Not certain how different G25 is from G15. G20 certainly seems wider and not as deep-faced, but hitting slightly higher on the face also helped, without loss of distance.
I have a high ball flight on all my shots and when I had a go on a launch monitor he moved the ball forward in my stance a good 4 inches (it was well inside my left heel) and teed the ball up about 5 mil. Straight away I went from a 5K back spin to a 2.5 K back spin. The ball still went very high compared to other people I play with but the reduced spin ment I got a lot more carry and roll.
It's well worth a lesson with a launch monitor so you can see what's going on as well as being told what's happening.
My current driver has a project x 7B3 shaft with a stiff tip which has also helped reduce my back spin and lowered my launch angle a little.