Disabled golfer with 1.5" lead/front leg shortness- Ping Upright (Silver) suggested for front arm/ Orange Dot for trail arm-What the heck do I do?

Inner City Teacher

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Sep 7, 2020
United States
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Hi! Owing to many hip operations and American football injuries and a Mayo Clinic stint of over a year, my front/lead leg is 1.5" shorter than trail leg (my right leg). I now have a Sim Max Driver and Titleist H1 hybrids-how do I set these up? I never hook the ball and get teased about being in the middle all day-but my distance sucks with all clubs -120 yard 8 iron-sheesh--everything is now Senior shafts-but I am a very strong, active senior that chops wood, chainsaw trees and splits logs-I walk with a noticeable limp my front hip is artificial and front leg is shorter. (Not looking for a date but sick and tired of hitting every club 155-175 yards while lesser bodied people kick my ass in distance!)

Got measured for Ping irons and my right arm/trail arm was Orange dot but front arm was silver dot-what to do in maxing out what I have-I'm tired of being a 12 hcp. based on whether I sink my 10-20 foot putts (my wedge play is very good).

Using Paul Wilson's "Body Swing" and a 10 degree Sim Max setting (senior mid-flex shaft) I have increased my Driver carry from 175 to 200 max yards (making me hopeful)- usually in the right rough though-Any help would be great!

Where should I play the ball in my stance ? Thoughts? Do I flatten the irons and play everything off my back foot or make them upright and go off my front heel? Distance tips?
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As a fellow Senior with Hip difficulties (not as severe as yours, but I'm an even shorter hitter) I suggest you ignore the distance issues and do whatever it takes to keep hitting it down the middle! That's where Golf's handicap/Index system comes into its own - you are effectively playing each round against your 'norm', as are the guys you are playing with.

Oh and practice your short game (particularly, as that where shots can be gained easiest) and putting (especially from distance - to avoid 3-putts)!
I think with that list of ailments I would be very happy just to be still playing.
Take no notice of anyone else ,
As for distance ,we have what we have ,clubs / shaft can make a difference but it’s marginal.
You need a few weeks on the practice tee and sort which clubs to use ,only you can answer this really depending on your results.
Hope it works out , and don’t lose sight that it’s only a game and your supposed to enjoy yourself.
By the way there are millions of golfers that would love to be a 12 hcap.
As a fellow Senior with Hip difficulties (not as severe as yours, but I'm an even shorter hitter) I suggest you ignore the distance issues and do whatever it takes to keep hitting it down the middle! That's where Golf's handicap/Index system comes into its own - you are effectively playing each round against your 'norm', as are the guys you are playing with.

Oh and practice your short game (particularly, as that where shots can be gained easiest) and putting (especially from distance - to avoid 3-putts)!
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I think with that list of ailments I would be very happy just to be still playing.
Take no notice of anyone else ,
As for distance ,we have what we have ,clubs / shaft can make a difference but it’s marginal.
You need a few weeks on the practice tee and sort which clubs to use ,only you can answer this really depending on your results.
Hope it works out , and don’t lose sight that it’s only a game and your supposed to enjoy yourself.
By the way there are millions of golfers that would love to be a 12 hcap.

The pursuit of this "White Whale," helps me ignore many other serious challenges-"everyone needs a hobby!" Thanks! :cool:
As a result of a car accident 40 years ago my left arm is 1.5 inches shorter than the right.

Over the years I have had various fittings for clubs and even had irons 1" longer than standard and 2 degrees upright.

However, none of this ever made the game easier or more consistent and ultimately I reverted to standard and worked my way round the physical issues.

Mind you I now have two knackered knees and a hip due to be replaced so trying to fit clubs to accommodate those would probably test most fitters.
As a result of a car accident 40 years ago my left arm is 1.5 inches shorter than the right.

Over the years I have had various fittings for clubs and even had irons 1" longer than standard and 2 degrees upright.

However, none of this ever made the game easier or more consistent and ultimately I reverted to standard and worked my way round the physical issues.

Mind you I now have two knackered knees and a hip due to be replaced so trying to fit clubs to accommodate those would probably test most fitters.

WOW-God Bless You sir!(y)(y)(y)
I think you should work out what's best in the way of kit and your swing, there must be some professionals out there to give some expert advice, then accept your limitations, make use of the handicap system and most importantly 'Enjoy your golf' (y)
If I had the same problem I would get fitted for clubs on the length of my front leg because that’s where most of your weight should be at impact.