

Tour Rookie
Nov 6, 2011
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Hi all, I’m having serious problems with my game just now, I don’t have any footage of my swing etc but whilst it’s fresh in my mind I thought I’d stick a thread up. It’s that bad just now it’s getting me down. Brief history.

I played as a junior and then took a big break due to one thing and another. I started playing again in 2011 where I was given a handicap of 10, I quickly went up to 11 before reducing it down to 6 by the end of the season. I got that down to 5 in 2012 then stopped playing again.

Fast forward to now, I put 3 cards in during the middle of last season and they gave me a handicap of 7, 6.5 to be precise. I’m now up to 7.4 and my game is horrendous.

The problem is my iron play, it’s terrible. Everything from poor strikes, missing it way left and the constant shanks. I can’t atop shanking it. I can be playing a medal and playing ok, leave myself in the perfect position and then shank it, leading to either a bogey or double depending on how bad the shank was.

Off the tee I’m fine, something just isn’t right with my iron swing and I can’t fathom what it is.

I’ll try and get some videos ASAP to give you lot a better idea of what’s going on.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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There are a few reasons for the shank but in my experience the most common cause is the first part of the backswing.

Try this in front of a mirror/patio doors etc.

Take your address position with the mirror on your right looking down the line (if you're right hand).

Swing back as normal but stop when the clubshaft is parallel to the ground.

Now look in the window and see where the shaft is pointing.

Ideally it would be pointing at the target


Sometimes it points to the right which can produce a shank.
