Course Closed


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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First one of the season. 25mm of rain and they've shut the place. We were already on mats and now shut first day of November. All others round, all open. Not impressed. Looks as though I'll be moving on.
My course is closed today because of the rain overnight. I’m sure it won’t be the last closure this autumn/winter.
I remember two months ago people going crazy about how irresponsible it was to be using fairway sprinklers?
I was meant to be playing at an away course in Devon tomorrow. The course is closed today so cancelled tomorrow’s away day and playing at home course instead. British weather sucks.
Ours was shut "because of standing water" at 7am, I didn't see any at 9.30am, and "traffic". Now this "traffic" was a load of seniors going out, approx 70. Good god we don't want people to use the course after a bit of rain. Thing is it threw it down from about 6pm all night, but the course was open on Wednesday. ??????? Not as many out on Wednesday, approx 30 before 12 noon. I had a bit of an rant on the Senior whatsup group. Unfortunately......the course manager is on said group and wasn't chuffed. So much so he kindly rang me to have a right pop at me about it. I kept nice and calm and offered to pop in to discuss certain aspects of his management of the course, which he declined. He also suggested that I find somewhere else to play. What a nice man. It appears that free speech and having an opinion is frowned upon. I will be staying, just to get under his skin......LOL
Oh no, you’re going to pay your subs in order to annoy the manager.
I’m sure he’s shaking in his cowboy boots
Ours was shut "because of standing water" at 7am, I didn't see any at 9.30am, and "traffic". Now this "traffic" was a load of seniors going out, approx 70. Good god we don't want people to use the course after a bit of rain. Thing is it threw it down from about 6pm all night, but the course was open on Wednesday. ??????? Not as many out on Wednesday, approx 30 before 12 noon. I had a bit of an rant on the Senior whatsup group. Unfortunately......the course manager is on said group and wasn't chuffed. So much so he kindly rang me to have a right pop at me about it. I kept nice and calm and offered to pop in to discuss certain aspects of his management of the course, which he declined. He also suggested that I find somewhere else to play. What a nice man. It appears that free speech and having an opinion is frowned upon. I will be staying, just to get under his skin......LOL

Are you an expert? I imagine the course manager knows more than you.
Not surprised the CM wasn't happy.
Ours rarely closes, but if it does it's because the bloke whose team present it to us in such good condition all year round says it needs to be closed. As he clearly knows what he's doing (as every guest I've taken will agree), whilst we don't like the fact it's closed we accept it's necessary & back him.
My track was closed first thing after an overnight and early morning deluge. It was opened after an 11:30am inspection. Closing first thing after deluge is IMO sensible as the course is then protected from damage in the knowledge that it will drain quickly and opening up won’t be before too long has passed.

Besides…it’s got to be pretty darned wet underfoot and elsewhere for our track to be closed as it was this morning…and it must have been given that quite a few roads in the proximity of the club were quite or badly flooded.
I’d rather a course be closed to protect it, than turned into a mud Bath that takes longer to recover because some people can’t understand the need for it.
You forgot to include 'With the same folk continuing to complain, this time about the poor condition the course is in because of the damage caused while the course was used while boggy'! An inch of rain (25mm) is an enormous amount for a course to absorb - only those on sand or other well draining bases are likely to be able to do so without considerable damage if play is allowed!
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