Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Currently suffering from what I hope is man flu ( or react to flu jab last week). Had a PCR test yesterday just in case waiting for result. Praying it is negative as we are off to London to celebrate my 51st birthday with a packed program including Proud Cabaret, London Eye and afternoon tea. 50th last year should have been in Mauritius but ended up with a substantial meal and 2 pints in the local pub so really don’t want another washout of a birthday
Test has come back positive ???Another birthday spoilt, might give up on them and stay the same age from now on!


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Is there much to be read into the reports that all of the cases of Omicron have been asymptomatic or with mild symptons. Is this rhetoric to stop panic or is it possible that, whilst easier to spread, this may actually be a weaker strain so far as symptoms are concerned. I know it is early days yet.
If the reports you refer to are from SA the we have to bear in mind that SA has a significantly younger population and we know that younger folk don’t develop such serious illness. Plus of course lower percentage of SA pop have been vaccinated so greater numbers will contract the virus and many in that group will be younger. So drawing conclusions from a quite different demographic with a significantly different level of vaccination is difficult and best to go with the very cautious.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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If the reports you refer to are from SA the we have to bear in mind that SA has a significantly younger population and we know that younger folk don’t develop such serious illness. Plus of course lower percentage of SA pop have been vaccinated so greater numbers will contract the virus and many in that group will be younger. So drawing conclusions from a quite different demographic with a significantly different level of vaccination is difficult and best to go with the very cautious.

Not just SA, this is the report on the cases located in the EU to date.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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So almost 2 years on, the majority are vaccinated. Restrictions imposed for what appears to be a highly infectious, but mild strain.

What's the end goal?

I'm pretty sure the Home Sec said in Parliament that if data shows this strain to be no more serious than Delta, then the recent addition restrictions will be rescinded when that info is confirmed.
I should think it's early days at the moment

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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So almost 2 years on, the majority are vaccinated. Restrictions imposed for what appears to be a highly infectious, but mild strain.

What's the end goal?
I guess to reach a point where a new strain does not impact too many in the population. We may need to build up our own immunity further or it may need the mutations to lose strength and disappear.

At this point the restrictions are pretty minimal, other than for overseas travel. Mask wearing has become second nature now and whilst I don't like it it is not a major imposition. The difference this year, hopefully, compared to last is that bars, cafes, restaurants etc are still open and we can hopefully carry on and plough through this spell rather than going into hibernation as we did last year. Time will tell. It would be lovely for everything to just go back to how it was but perhaps we are going to bounce along a bit like this for a while yet, each time the effect reducing until we go full Sweden :)


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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I'm pretty sure the Home Sec said in Parliament that if data shows this strain to be no more serious than Delta, then the recent addition restrictions will be rescinded when that info is confirmed.
I should think it's early days at the moment

Whilst I’m minded to agree, surely the data should already be available from the outbreak in South Africa.

Something doesn’t add up here.


Challenge Tour Pro
May 6, 2009
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Whilst I’m minded to agree, surely the data should already be available from the outbreak in South Africa.

Something doesn’t add up here.
A lot of countries seem to be bringing in restrictions in the short-term until more is known about the new variant and the response of the current vaccines.
It seems sensible to restrict things in the short-term, while this is being established.
I'm personally glad to see more people wearing masks on the trains and tube this morning. It's not a big hardship to wear a mask for now.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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A work colleague I spent this morning with, including 30 minutes unmasked in a cafe, has just let me know that he did a PCR test yesterday and has just received a positive result.
I've cancelled a visit to my elderly father tomorrow and MiL on Saturday, out of caution. Now I need to think of something to do with the 2 days that have suddenly opened up in my calendar.
Any ideas?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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A work colleague I spent this morning with, including 30 minutes unmasked in a cafe, has just let me know that he did a PCR test yesterday and has just received a positive result.
I've cancelled a visit to my elderly father tomorrow and MiL on Saturday, out of caution. Now I need to think of something to do with the 2 days that have suddenly opened up in my calendar.
Any ideas?
Stick pins in an effigy of your work colleague and especially around the sensitive bits. If he had carried out a PCR test what was he doing out and about.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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A work colleague I spent this morning with, including 30 minutes unmasked in a cafe, has just let me know that he did a PCR test yesterday and has just received a positive result.
I've cancelled a visit to my elderly father tomorrow and MiL on Saturday, out of caution. Now I need to think of something to do with the 2 days that have suddenly opened up in my calendar.
Any ideas?

So he was out and about while waiting for a PCR result??!! I would go and see his covid coughing arse and punch him in the face. Its twats like this that make Xmas cancelled and the whole Covid saga drags on.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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Whilst I’m minded to agree, surely the data should already be available from the outbreak in South Africa.

Something doesn’t add up here.

I would think that there needs to be a fair amount of time to see how seriously it affects various age groups.
There need to be a fair number of each age group infected. Then during the "run " of the virus, how does it affect those infected and when.
E.g iIIRC this illness can seem to get better, and then towards the end it can kick in with its severe effect. In some people.
How are the vaxxed affected? Better or worse than Delta?
S.A scientists identified it being a variant and what it may theoretically do. Then they warned the world . They did not do that after waiting to see it's reality effects, but before.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I would think that there needs to be a fair amount of time to see how seriously it affects various age groups.
There need to be a fair number of each age group infected. Then during the "run " of the virus, how does it affect those infected and when.
E.g iIIRC this illness can seem to get better, and then towards the end it can kick in with its severe effect. In some people.
How are the vaxxed affected? Better or worse than Delta?
S.A scientists identified it being a variant and what it may theoretically do. Then they warned the world . They did not do that after waiting to see it's reality effects, but before.

Sounds reasonable but then SA were quickly in with comments that we, as well as others, had been far too hasty and rash in introducing the travel ban as it was not that bad. That seemed unecessary bearing in mind that pretty much every country that has found a new variant has been ostracised so far as travel is concerned (us with the Kent variant, India with Delta) so they must have known that was coming.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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So he was out and about while waiting for a PCR result??!! I would go and see his covid coughing arse and punch him in the face. Its twats like this that make Xmas cancelled and the whole Covid saga drags on.
To be fair to him, he got the PCR due to a close contact having tested positive and had no symptoms himself. Being double vaccinated, he was not required to self-isolate and our employer would expect him to work as normal.
The question as to what I should do was rhetorical. I've already booked a tee time.