Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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If they are brought them in (and I suspect they may have to) I wonder how the fine detail of vaccine passports would work. I become entitled to get my booster from 9th December but the most covenient appointment I could get was for 19th and so I am booked in. Since the outbreak of the new strain, I have tried to move it to an earlier date but nothing showing as available. Does that mean I cannot use a vaccine passport between 9th and 19th as I am entitled to a booster but have not had it yet or will there be a grace period/

Keep trying, if it’s anywhere like HID is volunteering, more and more appointments appear every day. The guy running the centre has also told all volunteers to cancel appointments for themselves and family and to just rock up if your in the time frame to enable more slots to free up.


Sep 11, 2011
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Valencia region gets approval from the Spanish Supreme Court for Covid passports. Start date is 3rd December, and will run for 1 month. Depending on numbers I’d expect this to extended to after the 3 Kings fiesta on the 6th Jan. other regions are expected to follow.

Passports required for any public venue, inc bars and restaurants, that hold more than 50 people.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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I was mainly thinking about Europe, they've had the mask mandate throughout the whole of this, along with Scotland/Wales and their numbers don't appear to have been drastically reduced by mask wearing.

Problem is there are a lot of moving parts, schools in and out, summer changing to autumn, vaccinations rates rising in young, but immunity waning in older. Real world data is quite hard to interpret, so for me the combination of good studies showing a filtering effect on target size particles, the behavioural aspects conferred by mask-wearing of reminding people of the need for hygiene measures, the fact that it is a no-harm intervention and to a degree the fact that SE Asian countries like Vietnam and S. Korea have much better adherence and over-all much better results than we do.

I am now out of the mask debate!


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Keep trying, if it’s anywhere like HID is volunteering, more and more appointments appear every day. The guy running the centre has also told all volunteers to cancel appointments for themselves and family and to just rock up if your in the time frame to enable more slots to free up.

Will keep my eye out. Hoping that if they announce that boosters are being done after less than 6 months, it may open some slots up over the next week or so that I could aim for.


Journeyman Pro
Jul 13, 2012
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It was 15 for me on Saturday, strongly policed as well. Be grateful it was only 5 minutes. I hope your arm fairs better than mine. Very painful after effects. No other side effects but my arm took it badly.

My arm ached a few days after, paracetamol took the edge off it and all good now

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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My arm ached a few days after, paracetamol took the edge off it and all good now
If it is the worst that happens then life can't be too bad can it? Saturday night was bad, couldn't sleep well as I kept rolling onto my arm and it woke me each time. Yesterday was not a good day, couldn't raise my arm and it felt like a torn muscle. Today it is painful but easing so I am getting there. I'm taking paracetamol but it is only taking the edge off. Another day or so and I will be okay. 1st world problem, I'm happy to have had it (y)


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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If it is the worst that happens then life can't be too bad can it? Saturday night was bad, couldn't sleep well as I kept rolling onto my arm and it woke me each time. Yesterday was not a good day, couldn't raise my arm and it felt like a torn muscle. Today it is painful but easing so I am getting there. I'm taking paracetamol but it is only taking the edge off. Another day or so and I will be okay. 1st world problem, I'm happy to have had it (y)

I was much the same. Two painful days and then eased so I could move it normally but sore to touch for a few days more. Also had a temperature and felt rough for 24 hours...worth it for sure!


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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The whole mask thing is completely jumbled ( I'm not against masks and wear one when I feel appropriate) however there's enough doubt in my mind as to their effectiveness.
I'd love to see the data th government are using to justify their decisions.

Where will you have to wear a mask?

Train ✅
Bus ✅
Shop ✅
Supermarket ✅
Bank ✅
Post Office ✅

Theatre ❌
Cinema ❌
Pub ❌
Restaurant ❌
Nightclub ❌
Concert ❌
Office ❌

(From Tuesday. Based on current understanding of the Gov rule change - not yet published)

Important point is that the "Xs" are somewhere you choose to go ( excepting office, which management probably would require you to wear one ), and
the ticks are places you have to go to sometime or another.!


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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This isn't meant to antagonise however a genuine question. Aren't mask studies a little redundant as we have real life figures that show that they do little to stop the spread, don't we just look at the countries that have had strict mask mandates and see how their figures are going through the roof to prove that? I agree with your earlier comment that masks are an easy option, they take no effort to do and they give the impression that more restrictions are being put in place. The restrictions that really do stop the spread are limiting contact and WFH however both of those have economical impacts therefore the powers that be are more reticent to go back down that path.

I thought early on that masks were useless in small, indoor non ventilated venues, but I have changed my mind on the basis of "PM2.5 filter". information. Masks to this standard stop the virus particle, from the info is accurate.
If it is accurate, the argument for wearing one is simply.
Do you want to protect yourself and others?
Do you not give a damn for yourself or anybody else!


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
I must admit, I am curious how many people on here in England have continued to wear masks. If my experience of what I have seen when I have travelled south of the border, I would have to say virtually none. Whether it is service stations, restaurant, shops, hotels, or other public places, virtually nobody is wearing a mask in an indoor public place. It really is a shock to the system after seeing how most (not all, I admit) will wear their mask indoors up here in Scotland. There are certain demographics I have noticed are less likely to wear the mask, but I won't discuss that on here to prevent arguments.
I continued to wear mine when in England out of consideration for myself, others and just sheer common sense. But I can imagine it's almost a subconscious peer pressure that stops people wearing masks.
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I must admit, I am curious how many people on here in England have continued to wear masks. If my experience of what I have seen when I have travelled south of the border, I would have to say virtually none. Whether it is service stations, restaurant, shops, hotels, or other public places, virtually nobody is wearing a mask in an indoor public place. It really is a shock to the system after seeing how most (not all, I admit) will wear their mask indoors up here in Scotland. There are certain demographics I have noticed are less likely to wear the mask, but I won't discuss that on here to prevent arguments.
I continued to wear mine when in England out of consideration for myself, others and just sheer common sense. But I can imagine it's almost a subconscious peer pressure that stops people wearing masks.
Not the case in my part of England - Surrey/Hants borders. Id say at least 50% mask wearing indoors - 75% in certain supermarkets. Less so outdoors but still a fair % continuing to wear a mask.
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I saw someone on TV last night saying they had not noticed anything really bad on the effects of this new variant. No worries from me then, just fed up I'm now expected to wear a mask again at work. I'm going to claim a medical reason not to and see how that pans out.
I have simple thinking. The virus is transmitted on air droplets? So on the exhaled breath of someone infected? Walking into town today along quiet road I was not wearing a mask and in the very chilly air I could see clearly how far my cloud of exhaled breath was travelling ahead of me (quite a bit - I’m guessing over 1m). As I got into town there were more folk about and so I put on a mask…and no longer could I see my exhaled breaths.

I also noticed that it looked like more folk were practicing social distancing. Stopping and standing aside where pavements narrowed; or walking into the road if safe to do so; and in queue in supermarket back to standing on the 2m marks on the floor.

Also heard comment on illness in SA due to this variant not appearing to be too serious - observation made was to be wary of drawing conclusions from SA as the population is very much younger than UK/Europe, and we know ourselves that younger folk are less seriously impacted. As only 20% of SA pop is double vaccinated a lot of those picking up the new virus are likely to be younger.


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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Obviously from last month and earlier, but the Scots policy of wearing masks everywhere doesn't seem to make too much difference. I'd hazard an uneducated guess that social distancing where possible and proper hygiene has a much greater effect.

I must admit, I am curious how many people on here in England have continued to wear masks. If my experience of what I have seen when I have travelled south of the border, I would have to say virtually none. Whether it is service stations, restaurant, shops, hotels, or other public places, virtually nobody is wearing a mask in an indoor public place. It really is a shock to the system after seeing how most (not all, I admit) will wear their mask indoors up here in Scotland. There are certain demographics I have noticed are less likely to wear the mask, but I won't discuss that on here to prevent arguments.
I continued to wear mine when in England out of consideration for myself, others and just sheer common sense. But I can imagine it's almost a subconscious peer pressure that stops people wearing masks.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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I must admit, I am curious how many people on here in England have continued to wear masks. If my experience of what I have seen when I have travelled south of the border, I would have to say virtually none. Whether it is service stations, restaurant, shops, hotels, or other public places, virtually nobody is wearing a mask in an indoor public place. It really is a shock to the system after seeing how most (not all, I admit) will wear their mask indoors up here in Scotland. There are certain demographics I have noticed are less likely to wear the mask, but I won't discuss that on here to prevent arguments.
I continued to wear mine when in England out of consideration for myself, others and just sheer common sense. But I can imagine it's almost a subconscious peer pressure that stops people wearing masks.

Wise not to call out shaven headed white blokes with tattoos. Not very mask-friendly.

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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How do they know there are 11 people in the U.K. with Omicron variant? News reports say they are not hospitalised and they and their families are at home “isolating”… Now if I take a test and it’s positive the advice is to stay home and isolate, not go to Hospital for a blood test(?) to discover what variant I have, so I’m curious how do they know?

All Just sounds like another round of Gaslighting.

(Not a denier btw, had my 3 jabs like a good citizen, just tired of the constant fear being whipped up)


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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Apparently it's easily detectable via PCR tests.

RSA doctors say it has taken over as the main strain incredibly fast. But no one has died with it, and the symptoms seem less than Delta....

How do they know there are 11 people in the U.K. with Omicron variant? News reports say they are not hospitalised and they and their families are at home “isolating”… Now if I take a test and it’s positive the advice is to stay home and isolate, not go to Hospital for a blood test(?) to discover what variant I have, so I’m curious how do they know?

All Just sounds like another round of Gaslighting.

(Not a denier btw, had my 3 jabs like a good citizen, just tired of the constant fear being whipped up)


Sep 11, 2011
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Apparently it's easily detectable via PCR tests.

RSA doctors say it has taken over as the main strain incredibly fast. But no one has died with it, and the symptoms seem less than Delta....

All 44 players and staff have it, following the return of one of their players from international duty in SA. All are either asymptomatic or only showing mild symptoms.

Hopefully it turns out to be Covid’s common cold.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I was mainly thinking about Europe, they've had the mask mandate throughout the whole of this, along with Scotland/Wales and their numbers don't appear to have been drastically reduced by mask wearing.
It could be that most infections are caught in places where masks aren't worn like the home, the pub and restaurant. We have seen in the UK that most infections are in the school age groups and then in the home so wearing masks may well prevent infections.