Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Twins have it now, tested them last night when they were snotty and coughing (had been completely fine all day so i said to mrs lets test them)

straight up positive poor things

bored of covid now.. mainly because since march we have had it rip through the house but not got everyone all at once its spread slowly ..

going to be around forever


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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Interesting reading this thread.

I've avoided Covid but tested positive the other day. Felt a bit off it, working from home so was keeping myself to myself at home but then thought I best do a test as I was going to football and meeting friends tomorrow. Supposed to have a family holiday from Mon, absolutely gutted!

I now feel fine, bit of a tickly cough but nothing really else but still positive. Told friends we won't be there and the mixed views surprised me really. The younger friends were of the opinion that you don't need to isolate and should still come out and the older lot were mixed - should/shouldn't and also dependent on if they've had it already.

All the way through the pandemic we have gone by the rules, then you see the government not abiding by their own rules and it kind of makes you think!

With the guidance as they are now it seems like they've almost left it to your own judgement/morals and it feels awkward.

My own thoughts are to protect my family. 1 teen is jabbed the eldest is isn't.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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All of us in the house have now tested positive. A couple of days between each person testing positive ?‍♂️. I'm pleased to say that the cycle of sweats, chills, sweats, chills have now stopped, the aches have reduced and I'm very much on the mend. I'm one of the many who can describe the symptoms as heavy cold like. Unpleasant, but thankfully no more than that.

For anyone who catches it, I recommend a bit of Father Brown on Alibi ?. Gentle viewing, not taxing on the brain, you can fall asleep and not miss anything. They also seem to have an endless number of episodes to fill your time.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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All of us in the house have now tested positive. A couple of days between each person testing positive ?‍♂️. I'm pleased to say that the cycle of sweats, chills, sweats, chills have now stopped, the aches have reduced and I'm very much on the mend. I'm one of the many who can describe the symptoms as heavy cold like. Unpleasant, but thankfully no more than that.

For anyone who catches it, I recommend a bit of Father Brown on Alibi ?. Gentle viewing, not taxing on the brain, you can fall asleep and not miss anything. They also seem to have an endless number of episodes to fill your time.

Not sure I'd go with Father Brown as a pick up but that's my own preference. Glad you are feeling better. We had 13 back in the club after they came back on Thursday and I tried to keep a wide berth. One didn't even get to go after testing positive two days before flying. I am sure the guys coming back will be fine but having not had it and given where I work I felt prudent to be cautious


May 31, 2018
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I've done a bit of travelling in the last month and with no basis in science whatsoever I thought I'd share some covid observations. I should also say I had Covid about a month ago so would not have passed a PCR test - lateral flow was the way to go!

I'd start by saying that near everywhere people wore a mask on the plane and in the airport. The only real exception is Heathrow arrivals where most people probably don't. It actually feels a bit weird having worn a mask for the past few hours standing is a passport queue or at a luggage belt next to people without a mask. There was no "social distancing" anywhere in the world.

1) Flew to Paris at the end of March. Home test. Didn't need the test, rules were changed a few days before. Did check my NHS vax pass on arrival - at Heathrow departures they did not care. Reasonable amount of mask wearing in public. Many worn out covid signs.
2) Flew to Atlanta and then drove to Georgia at the start of April. Used the test I got from France, changed the date and put an extra little box in the QR code so it wouldn't work. No issues with travel - the fact that I had a bit of paper was fine nobody checked it. In the US south there are no/few signs that there even has been a pandemic. Outside the airport don't think I saw more than 10 masks. My temperature was checked once. This was like 2019.
3) Flew direct from Atlanta to Johannesburg. No tests needed just vax pass. Pass was checked while in the passport queue at arrivals. Near universally masks are worn indoors by EVERYONE. Restaurants were an exception where maybe half wore a mask walking to their table. Most shops had "security" at the entrance spraying sanitiser on your hands. There is sanitiser everywhere!! If there is a keypad - there is sanitiser next to it. Cashiers in supermarkets sanitise before scanning your groceries. Temperature was checked on average every second day by someone (once even at a rugby match - 50% stadium capacity in case you are wondering)
4) Last week went to Amsterdam. Nothing was checked. Mask wearing etc. about the same a France. Few covid warning signs.

So basically in in 3 European countries plus the USA - the pandemic is over and may as well not have happened.
In one African country people really stick to the mask rules and have an obsession with watered down hand sanitiser.

My only useful insight for everyone is don't bother with travel covid tests. It's a scam, nobody checks and they are easy to fake anyway.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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I've done a bit of travelling in the last month and with no basis in science whatsoever I thought I'd share some covid observations. I should also say I had Covid about a month ago so would not have passed a PCR test - lateral flow was the way to go!

I'd start by saying that near everywhere people wore a mask on the plane and in the airport. The only real exception is Heathrow arrivals where most people probably don't. It actually feels a bit weird having worn a mask for the past few hours standing is a passport queue or at a luggage belt next to people without a mask. There was no "social distancing" anywhere in the world.

1) Flew to Paris at the end of March. Home test. Didn't need the test, rules were changed a few days before. Did check my NHS vax pass on arrival - at Heathrow departures they did not care. Reasonable amount of mask wearing in public. Many worn out covid signs.
2) Flew to Atlanta and then drove to Georgia at the start of April. Used the test I got from France, changed the date and put an extra little box in the QR code so it wouldn't work. No issues with travel - the fact that I had a bit of paper was fine nobody checked it. In the US south there are no/few signs that there even has been a pandemic. Outside the airport don't think I saw more than 10 masks. My temperature was checked once. This was like 2019.
3) Flew direct from Atlanta to Johannesburg. No tests needed just vax pass. Pass was checked while in the passport queue at arrivals. Near universally masks are worn indoors by EVERYONE. Restaurants were an exception where maybe half wore a mask walking to their table. Most shops had "security" at the entrance spraying sanitiser on your hands. There is sanitiser everywhere!! If there is a keypad - there is sanitiser next to it. Cashiers in supermarkets sanitise before scanning your groceries. Temperature was checked on average every second day by someone (once even at a rugby match - 50% stadium capacity in case you are wondering)
4) Last week went to Amsterdam. Nothing was checked. Mask wearing etc. about the same a France. Few covid warning signs.

So basically in in 3 European countries plus the USA - the pandemic is over and may as well not have happened.
In one African country people really stick to the mask rules and have an obsession with watered down hand sanitiser.

My only useful insight for everyone is don't bother with travel covid tests. It's a scam, nobody checks and they are easy to fake anyway.

I think that looking at the responses on this topic over the last couple of weeks. Folk are either losing interest or they think the pandemic is now over. The later I think, well it’s definitely not over. I feel the sleeping monster is waiting to be poked with a big stick. At the moment though it’s carry on as you are.
Re travels.
Week last Saturday I returned from Majorca. Shops and restaurants everyone wore them. Airports the same, but on the plane it is announced you do not have to wear a face mask. Most British didn’t. We did.
February, I was in Lanzarote. Exactly the same as being in Majorca re restraunt, shops airports and planes.
Nov/December I was in Gdańsk. Exactly the same everyone wore masks and yet they had a spike in COVID cases just after we left.
Off to Majorca next month, I expect exactly the same re mask wearing.Shops and restraunts will continue to wear them. If travellers have the option. They will not wear them.
What has changed over the last 5 months is having to show a COVID vaccine passport. My strong advice is to make sure you have one on your phone at the very minimum. We have always had one to show, but it has been hit and miss re whether it has been checked. When we arrived in Gdańsk/ Poland. They sent a guy back to the UK because he had not had his vaccinations.He was Polish.
If you are travelling abroad, double check that you have all relevant travel documents.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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I think that looking at the responses on this topic over the last couple of weeks. Folk are either losing interest or they think the pandemic is now over. The later I think, well it’s definitely not over. I feel the sleeping monster is waiting to be poked with a big stick. At the moment though it’s carry on as you are.
Re travels.
Week last Saturday I returned from Majorca. Shops and restaurants everyone wore them. Airports the same, but on the plane it is announced you do not have to wear a face mask. Most British didn’t. We did.
February, I was in Lanzarote. Exactly the same as being in Majorca re restraunt, shops airports and planes.
Nov/December I was in Gdańsk. Exactly the same everyone wore masks and yet they had a spike in COVID cases just after we left.
Off to Majorca next month, I expect exactly the same re mask wearing.Shops and restraunts will continue to wear them. If travellers have the option. They will not wear them.
What has changed over the last 5 months is having to show a COVID vaccine passport. My strong advice is to make sure you have one on your phone at the very minimum. We have always had one to show, but it has been hit and miss re whether it has been checked. When we arrived in Gdańsk/ Poland. They sent a guy back to the UK because he had not had his vaccinations.He was Polish.
If you are travelling abroad, double check that you have all relevant travel documents.

Way it seems now is people want to enjoy what they can whilst they can

Sure it could spiral out of control but it did regardless of what measures it seems

Can't blame them after to years of hell


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Way it seems now is people want to enjoy what they can whilst they can

Sure it could spiral out of control but it did regardless of what measures it seems

Can't blame them after to years of hell

Definitely think its business as usual looking at those eating and drinking in Bracknell this evening and out shopping. Very little mask take up anywhere and barely anyone at Reading station (including GWR staff) and on the trains are bothering. I don't blame people as they've had a tough two years and the bad news in the world with Ukraine, rising prices and bills and they want a bit of positivity and to see friends and get back to normal

For what its worth we are covid free in ICU and cases in the trust are starting to go down. We have been switched to weekly PCR testing to a voluntary twice weekly lateral flow as staff absences are still an issue. It definitely hasn't gone away but hopefully the summer will help as we saw last year but we all know there are chances come the Autumn of new variants and another wave