As an ex Police Officer did you ever stop a motorist, did you ever experience a car shunting another, people having punctures, cars stopped for speeding or dangerous driving. What would your opinion have been if the motorist came up to you and explained they had measles or some other highly infectious condition. Why is there a valid business for vehicle breakdown and recovery outfits, it's can only be due to the fact that people have accidents and their cars break down
You and others have a right to your opinions and others have theirs. There seems to be a pattern here of those advocating going out and about with Covid finding it necessary to use sarcasm and insulting comments to make their argument. Why not keep it to the facts and make a case without playing the person rather than the ball.
I dealt with hundreds of motorists during my service, ranging from stopping cars to give a driver words of advice, through to attending serious and fatal collisions, and not once did I have a single person tell me they had an infectious condition and ask me to keep my distance. That alone must give you some clue as to the likelihood of someone knowingly leaving their house with Covid AND being unlucky enough to be involved in an incident bringing them into close contact with other people.