converting 2 putts into 1 putts


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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yesterday I had a total 32 putts with 4 1 putts and the rest 2 putts, trouble is I lipped 5 putts aswell so could have been even better. Is there a drill for nailing putts say 12 feet and in?

Or should I be happy as it will come in time

dont get me wrong if I carded 18 holes of 2 putts I would be happy :)


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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I have the same issue, for me it seems either have a mallet putter and nail more of them, but loose out on long putts maybe?

Or just keep practising, I spend hours on the putting green at the moment but I still miss a lot :(


Tour Winner
Sep 26, 2010
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Good question. Maybe one for Bobmac.

For shorter putts, there are plenty of drills, clock face, hitting back of hole, holing 10 from 2 feet, then 10 from 3 feet, 4 feet etc.

My pro told me not worry too much about 10-15 footers and to practise knocking in 3, 4 and 5 footers and lag putting (20 feet +). From 10-20 feet you either read them and make them on the course or you don't and some days you will and others you won't. I think he's right. I don't think knocking them in on the practice green is going to really help me much when I have to read a specific putt on the course where the borrow and slope are totally different. Certainly no point in my view hitting more than one putt from any particulat spot, as has been discussed before.

He also said Tour Pros aren't as good at this distance as you might think as TV generally tends to show more of the ones that go in, especially when it's for a birdie, than the misses. Looking at the PGA Tour putting stats for 10-15 feet, Snedeker is currently leading with 45.83%. Mickelson is 57th with 32.79% and Bubba Watson 129th with 26.51%.

I'd be interested however if anyone has really improved by spending time practising this distance. Would also be interested in Bobmac's views.

Deleted member 3432

I would think with those number of putts you may be 'under your handicap' putting wise. Lipping out from the range you are talking about makes me think you are putting well, on another day they will all drop.
Game within a game putting, struggled for the last couple of seasons on the greens and its a killer when you are trying to shoot a good medal score. Funnily enough always putt well at matchplay, I wonder what that is telling me?


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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yesterday I had a total 32 putts with 4 1 putts and the rest 2 putts, trouble is I lipped 5 putts aswell so could have been even better. Is there a drill for nailing putts say 12 feet and in?

Or should I be happy as it will come in time

dont get me wrong if I carded 18 holes of 2 putts I would be happy :)

32 putts is good - it depends on your h'cap and how many greens you hit. 32 is my magic number, unless I've hit lots of greens, then I'll take more....sure....

As for making endless 12 footers - I don't think it's realistic i.m.o. If you've chipped from around the green, 12 foot is a bad shot really, get within 6 and maybe you can think about making lots of them.

I had 31 last game out, I only holed one over 10 foot, but didn't miss anything short.

I guess it depends on your standard. i.i.r.c. the best putting game I ever played I was down to under 30 putts, and I'm not even a good putter. :eek:


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I guess its better to lip them than leave 2 foot short, at least its a guaranteed (is anything in golf) 2 putt :)

after thinking about it I am just chuffed I didnt 3 putt any holes, baby steps :)


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 3, 2011
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The only time I pratice putting is just before I start a round, how much practice do you do a week? And how do you make it interesting? The only way I can think of is to make a competition out of it with my mate. I am no good at putting, as I have tried to concentrate on hitting the fairway and chipping onto the green.


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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in all fairness I only practice before a round to just get used to the pace. I am working on all areas at once it seems, maybe I will worry about the putting more when the rest of my game is adequate, although that might be some time off just yet :)


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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on that one Bob, my misses are always left of the hole, even when I lip it it's always the left edge

I reckon you are like me and don't believe the "real" line thinking it's too right and then flip/steer the face and miss left.

Do you put a putting line on your ball. I do this all the time now and practice a) hitting down that line and b) keeping the face at the hole, not turning it through impact.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Just so I've got the op correct........ 26 h'cap, 32 putts without a 3 putt!!!

Can't say I'd be concerned with those stats myself. In fact, today-75 shots, 31 putts with 2 three jabs.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 3, 2011
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Bob, I have trouble judging pace, (although last round was a lot better) and then from 3 foot in I seem to be hitting them either side of the hole, but going on at least 3 feet past the hole, meaning I sometimes miss the second short putt.