ClubV1 Competition Booking Query


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Sep 19, 2019
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Currently we have BRS for our timesheets and ClubV1 as our Competition software.
We are in the process of changing over to ClubV1 Ultimate package, and intend using the ClubV1 startsheets for casual and Competition tee times.
I have been given early access to have a play. We were supposed to have a ClubSystems guy teach us today, but he was a no show.
I have a question though. I have managed to set up the timesheets for casual golf, and indeed a scheduled comp that we have. Via the Members Hub, is it possible for a member to book in the other 3 slots in a competition with other members names? It looks to me like a member can only book himself in for a comp, unless I have missed a checkbox or something.
For casual golf it seems OK, you can fill the whole teeslot with other members names, but not for comps, it seems.
On BRS you can book in 3 other members. Have I missed something in the setup?


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Currently we have BRS for our timesheets and ClubV1 as our Competition software.
We are in the process of changing over to ClubV1 Ultimate package, and intend using the ClubV1 startsheets for casual and Competition tee times.
I have been given early access to have a play. We were supposed to have a ClubSystems guy teach us today, but he was a no show.
I have a question though. I have managed to set up the timesheets for casual golf, and indeed a scheduled comp that we have. Via the Members Hub, is it possible for a member to book in the other 3 slots in a competition with other members names? It looks to me like a member can only book himself in for a comp, unless I have missed a checkbox or something.
For casual golf it seems OK, you can fill the whole teeslot with other members names, but not for comps, it seems.
On BRS you can book in 3 other members. Have I missed something in the setup?
I would be very interested in the answer. We have just arranged to do some trial runs for the hcap c'ee


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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Currently we have BRS for our timesheets and ClubV1 as our Competition software.
We are in the process of changing over to ClubV1 Ultimate package, and intend using the ClubV1 startsheets for casual and Competition tee times.
I have been given early access to have a play. We were supposed to have a ClubSystems guy teach us today, but he was a no show.
I have a question though. I have managed to set up the timesheets for casual golf, and indeed a scheduled comp that we have. Via the Members Hub, is it possible for a member to book in the other 3 slots in a competition with other members names? It looks to me like a member can only book himself in for a comp, unless I have missed a checkbox or something.
For casual golf it seems OK, you can fill the whole teeslot with other members names, but not for comps, it seems.
On BRS you can book in 3 other members. Have I missed something in the setup?
You can definitely book multiple players into a tee slot in a competition using HowDidIDo. You can also book in teams but I think if it's a 2 person team event you can only book your team into a 4 person tee slot.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2019
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OK, I have sussed it out. Under the 'Access Restrictions' tab in the comp, I had both 'Allow players to choose partners' tabs set at 'No'. Put these to 'Yes' and partners can be booked in via HDID and members Hub.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2019
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One thing that is different from BRS. In Competition bookings, if you book in other members into your teeslot, you cannot delete them, even if you delete yourself from the teeslot. The players themselves or an administrator has to do the deleting. (I confirmed this with a call to ClubSystems this morning.) Its OK with casual bookings, but not competition bookings.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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One thing that is different from BRS. In Competition bookings, if you book in other members into your teeslot, you cannot delete them, even if you delete yourself from the teeslot. The players themselves or an administrator has to do the deleting. (I confirmed this with a call to ClubSystems this morning.) Its OK with casual bookings, but not competition bookings.
Makes sense.