Chipping drills


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Had a playing lesson today and what jumped out as needing work was my chipping- just don’t get it to a good distance often enough from inside 30-25 yards

Don’t want to go into anything technical as he said my technique was actually good and ball striking good too but my vision on trajectory and picking landing spots and judging roll out was pretty poor so really just looking for any drills people have to work on this?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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One simple drill I use is to put a small towel on the chipping green some 10 feet onto the surface and try and get the ball to land on that using everything from PW to my 3H. It improves your ability to land the ball on your chosen spot but you can also get a very good understanding of how far the ball will travel with each club

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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I focused heavily on the Rule of 12 and marked off the proportions on the chipping green to give me the visual of half, 3/4, etc
The downside was/is that I play about 35% of my games 'away' and greens differ significantly in both how the ball reacts on landing, and roll out....and they further ban chipping to the practice green so you can be left without a clue as you head out (I learnt to get round this by throwing a ball on the putting green to imitate a 50% trajectory and get my initial read.
The reference to the past in the above is that I've now settled on 2 basic shots, 25 & 75% landing points for 90%+ of my green side work - but they were derived from the Rule of 12.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I rarely have to use anything more than the 7iron. I find its the last iron with a little bit of loft to get the ball that bit air born and running. the lower lifted irons than that can be a little difficult to control distance wise as they are running on the ground so quickly.

That and I don't have a 6 iron in the bag really. haha

I use that rule of 12 as a bit of a guide. by now through practice I just kind of know what club will get me to the hole. I also vary ball position like further back if I want a bit more roll than normal or even forward if its sitting up on semi to help me lift it in the air a bit for a softer landing.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Thanks for this I’ll check it out;- regarding the small bump and runs there very rarely this shot available at my course. It does happen now and again and I’m happy to play it but there are a lot of convulated rolls, raised greens etc so it’s not always a straightforward chip

I would say my distance perception is poor also so I think I need to start walking to the side for a better look. I also don’t land it where I mean to enough so need to practice and work on that... though sometimes this cancels each other out and I don’t land where I want but end up close.

Think it’s a case of practice practice practice.... the frustrating thing about my practice area you can’t chip to the practice green and the greens at the practice area aren’t really greens so not getting same roll out etc as you would normally