Chipping drills, any recommendations?

What do you play off mark? A 6iron or 64 is certainly a strange approach.
I use the 64 when needed. For more simple chips - anything from 7-iron down to PW - whatever is the simplest way to land the ball on the required spot and roll to the hole. I work with the idea that the shortest swing has the smallest margin of error. I wouldn't want to take a big swing for short putts, for example.
I don't think my approach is strange. When I see others taking a relatively much bigger swing with a more lofted club than I would use for such a simple shot, I think they are strange.
But my approach was ingrained by the age of 10 and has worked well for me for a very long time.
But my approach was ingrained by the age of 10 and has worked well for me for a very long time.

Nothing much has changed since I was 10 either.
Except.... everyone wants to chip with their LW because thats what the guys on TV use, the difference being the guys on TV are chipping onto greens that run between 12 and 14 on the stimp meter so the extra loft helps stop the ball.
Normal club greens in the UK are probably nearer 8-10