Can't get on with irons


Assistant Pro
Jun 4, 2012
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I've been playing for about 2 years now and have only used g20 irons.
These were my first set I learned to play with but I just can't gel with them.

I've had various lessons and even went to a club fitter to have them adjusted and he advised they are not the correct club for me but to carry on using them whilst I learn golf, he stood them up 2 degrees and they felt miles better but he said they are to short and to light.

I must say they do feel very light and whippy, they have reg shafts but I was measured at 117mph at american golf when I was looking to buy a driver, they recommended a stiff shaft but the reg played better so I went with that.
I've put bigger grips on which feels better for me.

I've looked around online at other clubs but the whole concept baffles me, so much choice and so many brands yet the g20 seem to be a great club for novices.
So if these don't work for me then I don't know what will so to speak.

I'm scared to try any in store as I literally want to try them all and don't want to be a time waster.

Do I go back to the club fitter and go custom or can american golf fit me correctly.
How do I look online for a club with a heavier club head.

I don't want more distance, all this talk of longer irons doesn't interest me, I can leather a ball miles but I can't get it to go consistently straight. I would sacrifice lots of distance for accuracy.
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I think lessons might be better for you by the sounds of it, focus on your technique, not the clubs. If you've already been to a club fitter and he's tweaked the clubs (you won't get much more help than G20s either), it's down to you and not the sticks I would guess.
Stop listening to other people bang in about how far they hit the ball. Develop your own rhythm and prioritise accuracy over distance.
Rhythm rhythm rhythm rhythm etc etc etc.
You can't buy a game is the standard quote - and so true.

A decent Pro should be able to help and independently advise on what irons you are most likely to need.

It's possible that the fitter, while quite likely correct, has implanted some 'bad seeds' that you need to get rid of. But G20s are very forgiving clubs.

117mph, if real measurement, is getting some way into the X-Flex level - Tour average is about 112, and they generally use X Flex and 'tipped' to be even stouter! I wouldn't trust that number, preferring to take my current Driver to calibrate the Launch Monitor!

Heavier shafts can certainly help dispersion. I'm all over the place with light (95gm) shafts, but quite straight with heavier ones (125-130gm ones).

It's quite likely that you are simply trying to swing too fast - for your ability! Great to have the capability to rip one if you have to, but the games is 'how many, not how far'!
that club head speed, in conjunction with inconsistency with basic iron shots (from what I'm reading) begs the question of how you are actually achieving it?

if there's 'a whole lot going on' in your swing it may well go miles, but the % chance of you achieving it, and any consistency in what going miles means, will be at risk.

otoh, if you have half decent technique, are tall and strong, you may well be doing everything right some of the time - lessons will take you the rest of the way and a good coach will explain how to self help going forwards.
G20 are very forgiving irons and so I think this is more technique rather than the gear. Go for a lesson, tell the pro you have doubts about the fit of your clubs and hopefully you'll get the fix for your swing and your mind set at ease about the G20's being ok for your game
buy a set of australian blades use them for a month then go back to your ping g20. Then you will think the g20 are amazing. If you can not hit g20 take up bowls mate