Beginner's Help


Aug 17, 2016
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Hi Everyone,

I'm very new to golf - I'm not even sure I've held a golf club before. I'm heading to a course with a friend in a few weeks and just wanted to clarify some questions if anyone is able to help.

Do I need to bring my own clubs? I don't particularly fancy forking out for a new set if I only end up playing once.

Do I need a membership to play?

Do I need any other equipment? E.g gloves and shoes.

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Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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Should probably post this in the Lounge Forum as you'd get more answers. I'm sure the mods will move it...

In answer to your questions... It depends.

Does your friend play? Are you going as their guest, or are you both first timers?

Do I need to bring my own clubs?
Depends on the club/course you are playing at. A lot (if not all) places will let you hire clubs for a fee. If they can't/don't hire then you can pick up a few clubs with a bag very very cheaply 2nd hand. You don't need many, Just a few irons, maybe a hybrid or a 3/5 wood and a putter. Could probably get a complete set for less than 20 quid on eBay TBH

Do I need a membership to play
Again, depends on where you play. Most courses allow visitors though at certain times and there are plenty of public pay and play course where you don't need to be a member.

Do I need any other equipment? E.g gloves and shoes.
The only other thing you obviously need are balls and perhaps a few tees (but you can usually scrounge some of them from around the tee boxes). Footwear, just go with some comfortable trainers. Astro turf football boots are a good option as they will provide some grip. A glove isn't necessary. Most people use them as they help grip the club. You could probably borrow a glove and some shoes as part of the hire of the clubs if you ask though.

Just say, you're new to the game and want to get involved and I am sure they will do their best to look after you.

Just remember though, golf is a pretty hard and at times frustrating game. Relax and enjoy it and realise quickly you're unlikely to be getting pars etc. Be mindful of other golfers on the course i.e. if they are playing quicker, let them play through and just have fun.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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Apart from what Woody said you might be better off going to a range who will lend you some clubs and try it out before you hit the course.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Most courses will insist you have proper golf shoes and your own set of clubs. You would also normally need to wear something like a polo shirt and trousers/tailored shorts (not jeans or shell suits). As someone mentioned you may be better to try a driving range to start as many clubs will want you to be of a reasonable standard to play so you dont hold up play or endanger others.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
If it's a full sized course and you haven't held a club before a trip to a Driving Range first is a must....I would even say avoid such a start like the plague. Plenty for fun to be had on a short cause (Par 3 Course/Pitch and Putt) etc

Where are you going to play? Someone on here might know it and advise further...

A lesson from a Pro to start you off will be worth the money too


Assistant Pro
Jun 10, 2016
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I don't know any course where you can get away without having your own bag of clubs. If it's your first time ever best two options are either charity shop/bootsale to pick up a bag and if it's a couple of quid then wood, couple of irons, a putter and if possible a sandwedge ( not quite so important at this stage) .
Other possibility is just get the bag, stick a couple of your mates clubs in and share on the way round ( not acceptable as proper golf but again, fine for now)
I wouldn't go to a private club - they'll crucify you. Hopefully it's a pay-and-play or a muni
Most munis allow trainers as long as they won't ruin the greens ( no studs etc)
Don't bother with a lesson.
Might be worth a go on a range first for a laugh if there's one near enough. If not get there early and try to get on the range or into a driving net just so you can work out a way to get it off the first tee. That's all you need. Once you are away, laugh at yourself.

If you are self conscious by all means look at a video of how to hold the club. But you'll miss the ball by miles anyway so just work out something that connects every now and then.

Decisions on grip lessons etc can come after you work out if you enjoyed it. Keep your expectation low, your giggle factor high. Try not to disturb other players. Give way to those faster than you and let them through. Rake the bunkers after you've made a mess in them. And make sure you don't take any lumps out of the greens.

THEN sign up for a lifetime of humiliation and self loathing.

Good luck



Assistant Pro
Jun 10, 2016
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Oh, and btw..

A glove? What are you? A wuss?

Put up with the blisters - a glove isn't designed for the punishment you would give it at this stage.

You will grip the club too tight. It will twist in your hands. You will hit the ground before the ball.
All this is GOOD STUFF.
A glove won't protect you from yourself. Save the money and buy some more balls

Plenty of used, semi-knackered lake balls. 20 or so should be enough to start with.
And tees - loads of tees.