Beginner problems with interlocking grip


Aug 10, 2015
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Hi I'm just wondering if anyone could help me out out with a grip problem I have (Started learning to play a few weeks ago).

I've have started to learn using the interlocking grip, but every time I attempt to practice in the ranges literally any time from around 20 balls I can feel the interlocking area rubbing/hurting (left hand inside index finger and right hand inside pinky finger). At the moment I'm having to not play for 3/4 days after every range session to let the areas heal otherwise they just open up and start bleeding again straight away. I know this is a common problem but I'm going to assume its more likely something that's wrong with my grip than just friction alone.

Using a golf glove as opposed to not doesn't seem to make any difference on the left hand, I bought some athletic tape to apply to both areas but if anything it seemed to make it worse as the area is around the joints so it just ends up coming loose and rubbing even more. I've just purchased some "Muellar Grip Tape" though that seems more specific to golf so I'm hoping I'll fare better with this when it arrives.

So my question(s) is, do you suggest I try to learn a different grip? My hands are very prone to cuts and blisters as is it so this problem might not be easy for me to eliminate. Do the overlapping grip and 10 finger grip cause these problems also or could learning one of these eliminate my problem?

Or is this a simple common problem beginners have with their grip? From reading online I see it can be because of a twisting action which is causing the rub, I've tried experimenting a little with this but unsure how to implement it properly, could this twist be caused by me gripping the golf too tightly?

Thanks for reading!


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2012
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Boring answer,but see a pro.
Maybe it's a slight grip fault.
Or post a pic of your grip on here.
Quite a few forumers know what they're talking about.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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as you just starting up by far the best answer is to get a lesson from PGA pro. then you can see how to hold the club, posture, alignment, etc
& how the swing motion works, how the hands set with the rotation of the body

folks often don't, assuming they are not yet good enough to merit going for a lesson often times feeling embarrassed some, should this be a thought don't pay it any mind, as the Pro will have seen all kinds of efforts to strike a ball before

or they assume because they played a bunch of sports relatively well taking up golf will be the same
for most folks that's not the case as golf is counter-intuitive

so to save the hands & not pick up a bunch of bad habits that the more balls you hit the more that will ingrain them deep guessing many folks on the forum can attest to just how hard swapping bad swing habits for ones that will make the ball go in the direction you want more times than not

this issue is normally around a bunch of things, grip pressure leading to having to release & re-grip, & or just how the hands/wrists set if they being set a little ways wrongly that too can cause a let go & re-grip just where the handle is lying in the hands too much in the palm will also tend to lead to letting go & re-gripping so lot of unwanted friction between hands, fingers & also the handle which all leads to a swing motion that doesn't deliver the sweet spot to the ball, further away from center the ball is struck the more the 'face' twists so the handle in the fingers

those things will still tend to give you issues whether interlock, overlap or baseball (10)

you imagine a pressure scale 1 through 10 - 10 being strangle generally a grip pressure of around 5 is a good ways to go.
start off 8,9 or 10 & folks cant keep that 'hold' at the top of the swing the hands will automatically loosen so you get fricton
start off at around 5 at the hands will naturally tend to automatically 'firm up' so keep a good grip pressure throughout the swing
but whatever pressure or grip 'style' the handle has to be in the correct area of the hands & not real high up in the palms - beginners often times have it too much up in the palms as it gives a false sense of 'strength'

if you have small hands or still in school then sometimes baseball hold can be useful - my take if possible would try to learn a good neutral overlap hold - best ways for that is with some lessons.

meantime here's couple links to good grip videos

left hand grip

right hand grip


Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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I deal with this on a daily /hourly basis.

The biggest problem beginners have when using the interlocking grip in my experience it that they jam their fingers together right up to the hilt and then hold the club. This normally results in a left hand that's in a position too "weak " and the right hand too" strong ", ie both under the club too much.

I show them to get the hands in a good position first, then interlock the fingers, this results in the fingers meeting about halfway down each finger, not jammed right up against each other.

Hope that makes sense.


Nov 16, 2011
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I'm certain changing to the Vardon/Overlapping grip will eliminate the problem. But advice to see a Pro is sound - and now is the best time to do it! Vardon allows a little more independence then the interlock, but I certainly prefer it!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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As others have said get a pro to have a look. As you are new, were you just told to use interlocking or is this what you've decided feels best. Why not have a play about with the Vardon or even baseball grip and see if it makes a difference


Aug 10, 2015
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Thanks so much for these detailed comments I've took it all in and made several notes to try out once everything has healed over again.

Just realised I've somehow left out the fact I did get a couple of lessons to start me off but going to book in another block now too to hopefully iron out this problem for good.

Thanks again


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I'm certain changing to the Vardon/Overlapping grip will eliminate the problem. But advice to see a Pro is sound - and now is the best time to do it! Vardon allows a little more independence then the interlock, but I certainly prefer it!

This or even baseball grip.

If it is that sore , just stop doing it.


Aug 19, 2011
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I use the interlocking grip without any problems, so I doubt that the OP's problems are directly related to this. However you need to maintain a firm hold of the club throughout the swing using this grip, as otherwise it tries to rip your little finger off if you loosen off at all. One of the reasons I use this grip is to remind myself not to allow my hands to open during the swing (one of my perennial faults), because it hurts if I do. I also use grip exercise rings to keep my hands as strong as possible, so this is less likely to happen.
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Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Thanks so much for these detailed comments I've took it all in and made several notes to try out once everything has healed over again.

Just realised I've somehow left out the fact I did get a couple of lessons to start me off but going to book in another block now too to hopefully iron out this problem for good.

Thanks again

Danny what part of the world do you play.


Challenge Tour Pro
Apr 14, 2015
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Put surgical spirit on the areas of your skin that are rubbing (when healed) it'll harden up the skin. My wrists ached for weeks after taking up golf again. All those years of typing on a keyboard made my wrists weaker than anything. I used Ibuprofen gel everyday and worked through it. Now I just wash and go....sorry I mean, I just get on with it with no pain because I've built up some beef around the digits.

Anything new is going to produce soreness. A very real possibility is that your alergic to the material the glove is made from.