Ban the buggy? - Jez Ellwood column


  • Do you Grip it and Rip it to get down near the green as close as you can?

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  • Do you place your drive to a distance that leaves you with a comfortable full shot in?

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I voted to ban them although I agree with the medical exemptions, none of us know what the future holds after all. I think electric trolleys are ok though as I've just given up carrying due to an injured knee. I agree that more people who are able should carry though as it is great "gentle" exercise. I'd still be doing it if I could.
Have you noticed that a high proportion of people using buggies are precisely the ones who should be walking for the good of their waistline?
I fund using a buggy kills all the flow in my game. The round feels rushed and stuttering and do not think I have ever played well when using one.
I finaly agree with Parmo on something, I hate seeing junior's with electric trollies. Makes me want to run over and take the trolly off them. My 11year old has a pull trolly, because he could never carry the bag round for 18 holes. As for juniors with electric trollies there should be some rule on it. What Parmo said about the young lad carrying a smaller bag, that wouldn't look to hot The bigger the bag the better your game is (NOT).
As for buggies again it's all down to making money now a days. Their great crack but I think they should be banned in competitions unless for medical reason's.
exactly who are we to stop someone from using a buggy?

I have never used a buggy in my life (though i do fancy giving one a shot to see what it is like) and god help anyone who Say's i should be walking, they will get an earful and if they want i would take it further.

I have had enough of do gooders! If i want to be lazy and go round on a buggy i will.

In our every day life we are getting told don't do this don't do that usually encase we offend someone, now according to a lot on here cause i am able to walk round (and i do walk) i should and the choice of using a buggy be taken away from me, sorry sod off.

What is next on your hit list graphite shafts? after all they are lighter than steel so you use less calories carrying graphite, o wait a minute lets put a dozen bricks in the bag and use old fashioned sky shoes that will make it more difficult and burn more calories. After all golf is about the walk not the shot making or the clean crisp contact of the perfectly hit shot or the 30 foot put after the 100 yard bunker shot onto the green isn't it?

Try this out, if you don't like something don't do it but leave those who do like it to there own enjoyment, after all it does you no harm and if they are faster than you let them past after all they will be out of range faster than walking golfers who are faster than you.

live and let live.

I will say it again i have never used a buggy and a lot use them on my course probably as its only £10 a round for a buggy and its a hotel course.
exactly who are we to stop someone from using a buggy?

I have never used a buggy in my life (though i do fancy giving one a shot to see what it is like) and god help anyone who Say's i should be walking, they will get an earful and if they want i would take it further.

I have had enough of do gooders! If i want to be lazy and go round on a buggy i will.

In our every day life we are getting told don't do this don't do that usually encase we offend someone, now according to a lot on here cause i am able to walk round (and i do walk) i should and the choice of using a buggy be taken away from me, sorry sod off.

What is next on your hit list graphite shafts? after all they are lighter than steel so you use less calories carrying graphite, o wait a minute lets put a dozen bricks in the bag and use old fashioned sky shoes that will make it more difficult and burn more calories. After all golf is about the walk not the shot making or the clean crisp contact of the perfectly hit shot or the 30 foot put after the 100 yard bunker shot onto the green isn't it?

Try this out, if you don't like something don't do it but leave those who do like it to there own enjoyment, after all it does you no harm and if they are faster than you let them past after all they will be out of range faster than walking golfers who are faster than you.

live and let live.

I will say it again i have never used a buggy and a lot use them on my course probably as its only £10 a round for a buggy and its a hotel course.

I think you've lost the plot somewhere.
i have lost the plot.

fed up people telling me and others this and that should not be done.

try letting people enjoy there free time how they like not how you like.

tell you what, tell me how those on a buggy who have no medical reason to use one effects your enjoyment of the game.
i have lost the plot.

fed up people telling me and others this and that should not be done.

try letting people enjoy there free time how they like not how you like.

tell you what, tell me how those on a buggy who have no medical reason to use one effects your enjoyment of the game.

Tell you what - how about you use one a couple of times first and then come back with an informed opinion rather than a blind rant.
utter tosh

It is not a blind rant as i have said they get used a lot on my club and i have never had a problem with any one who uses them.

a rant it might be but it is a rant at the likes of you who seems to think its ok to tell others how to do things!

It is your opinion they should be banned for no other reason than they annoy you, a big part of golf is about walking and most who use them are fat/unfit.

It annoys you, well thats reason to ban them then, lets all do nothing to annoy billyg then.

a big part of golf is about the walk, certainly not in my book or anyone else i have met has said that walking is a big part of there game. I would say a lot do enjoy the walk but it ain't in my experience a big part of the game.

As for the fat/unfit surely they would annoy you more by being so slow to walk round the course.

but then again my apparently not got a clue opinion of let folk enjoy the game as they like must annoy you as well so will i just crawl under a rock so as not to get accused of loosing the plot or annoying you then
i would like to state this did not start as a dig at you.

I only used reply function but you have taken it to say i have lost the plot and go use one and then come back with an informed opinion even though as i stated they get used on my course so i do have an opinion of how they affect the walking golfer.
That's alright mate- you keep it up, i'm sure someone out there will understand what you're on about sooner or later :rolleyes:
instead of insulting me why don't you just answer the question i stared with?

exactly who are we to stop someone from using a buggy, or telling them how to play golf?
Geronimo, just as you are quite rightly entitled to your opinion, So is BillyG, If he thinks they should be banned under certain circumstances, that's his choice. Just like yours is yours.

I think you should agree to disagree before this turns into another nasty exchange of words. Aint worth upseting each other guys, this is a happy place! or is should be :p
after reading from the start billyg does not even state his opinion he just attacks mine.

we are all allowed our opinions but to attack someone without an answer other than put downs is just wrong.

i will let it go as you suggest as i doubt i will get an answer without put downs anyway, and like i said it was not started with any bad intentions and i don't want it to go that way.
instead of insulting me why don't you just answer the question i stared with?

exactly who are we to stop someone from using a buggy, or telling them how to play golf?

oh lordy :D- I can't help you mate- carry on argueing with your own shadow in a corner if you must- you might win.

Im out
I've used a buggy quite a few times,not because im fat/unfit/lazy...i had the misfortune of doing my ankle ligaments in & without the use of a buggy,i wouldn't have been able to play for months because it was pyshically impossible to walk 9,let alone 18 holes.

Aslong as you keep the wannabe Schumacher idiots off them,i don't see the problem with buggies at all.
I have used a buggy in Florida where it is compulsory (I know this thread dicounts foreign use). My opinion is this:

Electric ones are quiet, and do not ruin the peace and quiet of the round. Petrol ones polute, both noise and fumes.

4 guys in two buggies is inherently slow, due to having to go to two locations to play the second shot (and third). This is slow, but made up for by travelling between shots stupidly quickly. This gives loads of time to stand there, while confidence drains away, and the right club is put away in exchange for the wrong one.

Every time I get out of one, I bang my head on the roof. This ruins my enjoyment of the round.

If you are a 3 ball, one guy talks to no one the whole 4 hours. Dull.

If you are a 4 ball, you only talk to the guy sharing your buggy. Dull. Why play as a 4.

You can carry loads of gear. This may be a good thing.

On a cold day you generate no heat from exercise, and it is freezing.

By inconsiderate use you can really tear up the course, especially with our 'wetter' courses in the UK.

By inconsiderate use, you can tear up behind people who are playing at a good pace, and really p**s them off. It is not a question of letting faster players through, because a/ there could be nowhere to go if you are tight to the group in front, and b/ just because they are driving fast, doesn't mean they putt at that speed.

I don't like them for most of the above reasons, and that in the UK, most users see them as a rarity, and do not really know how to use them considerately, without annoying other golfers.

Yes, my course has them, and in the main the people who use them are a holes who stagger out of the bar leaving just enough time to play 13 holes, 6 to a buggy clinging on to the roof, at break neck speed, with no regard for anyone else on the course, so that they can get in before dark and get to the bar for more beer. They are loud, arrogant, drunken idiots. Yes, in this country I would like them banned.
Have you noticed that a high proportion of people using buggies are precisely the ones who should be walking for the good of their waistline?

Good observation.....

(if I may stir a little more)

Around here some rather x.x.large folk (not an average GMfus w-w) like to park in disabled spaces at the supermarkets to avoid walking the extra yards.....If they have a blue badge, fine, if not.....well.....(you don't need to hear my opinion).