Are the days of being a professional caddy numbered ?


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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So along with Rory, DJ, Westy, Patrick Reed, even Harrington (isn't Roan his Brother in law?) , Cink is the latest to win a tournament with a family member/ friend on the bag (his son). As per he trotted out the line that he could caddy for anyone and he wasn't a 'ceremonial' caddy.

I'm afraid being a caddy is a dying art. What do you think ?
I've never understood a view often expressed that the caddy tells the Pro which club to hit.
If a Pro doesn't know how far he hits his clubs......well.,!

Lee Trevino said that he'll take the advice of his caddy about how far the shot is, etc, but his caddy must never try to tell him which club to use.
I would think a seasoned Pro does not need a professional caddy.However a friend who can give him good moral support, and is a friend enough to tell the Pro to think twice about a decision, is an asset on the bag.
They're almost on-course psychologists it seems..someone to carry the bag and keep the player calm and in a good frame of mind..
It wouldn't surprise me if the Billy Foster style diminishes in the coming years.
Surely too many players use their caddies as a verbal punchbag / someone to blame their mistakes on. Can't really do that to the same extent if its a mate or friend of the family.
The idea of a caddy was to give 'local' expertise. It seems they are advisors/aligners who are using all manner of aids.

With modern trollies to carry bags etc I don't see the 'need'.
I think as a caddy you almost need to find a niche whether it be psychology etc or maybe being able to read a green with aim point better than a pro themselves so more information can be conveyed for the pro to execute.

I think caddies for amateurs are of more use than for professionals.