Any Computer Tecies? Installing Flash 10 Problem


Tour Rookie
May 28, 2008
West Yorkshire
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I've installed Flash 10 three times now, eachtime it says it is installed fine, but despite rebooting the PC the clips are still not working.

Any suggestions?
Hi Spoff.

i encountered problems with any flash videos a while back.
In the end it was my 'proxy settings' (whatever they are??)

Go to the tools tab on an internet page, in 'internet' options go to 'connections' then 'LAN settings'.

I unchecked all the boxes and haven't had a problem since.

To be honest I haven't a clue what it means but it works??!!

Good luck.
What make and version of browser and version of windows are you using? Are you logged in with admin permissions? Have you tried another browser (download Google Chrome or Apple Safari and try it there)
Also check it isnt disable in your add ons.
Don't rule out the problem beig with the clips and not your browser. If you saw the flash logo after installing, it is installed fine. There are millions of knackered clips out there, trust me!

Any doubt, try and uninstall flash and reinstall cleanly.