Another Handicap Adjustment Question


Head Pro
Mar 16, 2012
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I've asked about discretionary adjustments on here before, but have another question for those in the know.

I've just had an email from the club saying that they've cut another shot off my handicap in the annual review. Now ordinarily I wouldn't mind this as ultimately I would like to get as low as possible, but this is now the third out of competition cut I've had since June and I really do not believe I am a 6 handicap golfer.

At my old club (which I left for financial reasons over 5 years ago) the lowest I got was 8 breifly before going back to 9. Now I was a member of that club for about 6 years, won numerous comps and shot a few very low rounds. In the whole time I was there I never had an out of competition adjustment. I've always been reasonably steady with the odd really good score. This year I've played nicely but not shot any very low scores, I've also only won one comp and this latest chop to 6 just seems very harsh.

I've put a picture of my handicap and scoring history since joining the club below. Note that I asked to keep my old club handicap (9) when joining as I was unfarmiliar with the new course and I didn't think the 3 cards I had to put in were a true reflection in giving me a 12, but the club insisted as my old handicap being over 5 years old had expired. I was therefore very happy with the first adjustment as this gave me what I considered to be an accurate handicap.

The question is, is there any point whatsoever in appealing the latest adjustment or am I wasting my time and risking rubbing comp sec up the wrong way?




Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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There has been another thread recently about the annual review that clubs have to carry out. The PC software will look at your scores over the season and make a recommendation as to any adjustment needed. From the scores you've quoted I don't see any problem with the annual review having recommended the cut. You've played either buffer golf or been below hcp virtually since you joined the club. You've had a good first season, now's the time to consolidate and maybe get down to Cat1.

best of luck.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Don't confuse the ESR and your end of season adjustment as being the same, because there not. All HS were asked to adopt the ESR system last season so that it addressed fast improver's and the like and those golfers would be cut greater than their normal factor, 0.2 in your case if they won or achieved normal cuts in succession or more than once in any given season.

I can see an ESR on the 17th which shows separately but at our club that would have just shown as a cut of 1.3 and as such there are no "out of competition" cuts other than an annual review, I think its just the way your system displays them that makes it look like that IMO.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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I've also only won one comp and this latest chop to 6 just seems very harsh.

I wish I had £1 for every time I have patiently explained that handicap adjustments are not directly related to winning competitions -it's the score that counts, not whether it's the best score of the day or not. The ESR recommendation following your second -4 score was, as recommended by the national union, accepted by your handicap committee. The Annual Review would look at your complete playing record and I'm pretty sure that the analysis report would have recommended a further reduction based on the proportion of scores in buffer or better. Bite the bullet, you're on the verge of Cat 1.


Head Pro
Mar 16, 2012
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Don't get me wrong, I know that winning comps isn't what handicap adjustments is about. Also I'm not really moaning about being cut, I'd love to make cat 1 and I'm getting closer. The thing I find frustrating though is that there are plenty of players at our place who regularly shoot as low gross as I am capable of, who are now off significantly higher handicaps, that don't get these cuts because they also chuck in the odd high 90's score.

I understand and am grateful for the explinations, at least I know why the adjustments have been applied, it still feels like I've been slightly unfarily reviewed when compared to other players, on the basis that I've been consistent this year, despite not shooting anything low.

Thanks again for the speedy replies. Time to work on the short game!

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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The Annual Review would look at your complete playing record and I'm pretty sure that the analysis report would have recommended a further reduction based on the proportion of scores in buffer or better.

my take is that this is the complete playing record! 100% buffer or better through the season.....:)

Jay - everything there is exactly what I would expect from a committee following the rules properly.

The first 'adjustment' is effectively an adjustment to the recently allocated handicap on the basis of performance, and the handicap reflects how it would have been allocated if you had put the card from the 27th in with your cards for handicap. Clause 16.3 (d) requires the committee to do this (but some clearly don't!)

The ESR was a system generated reduction, and there is absolutely no evidence in the scores you have presented to suggest it's inappropriate - so they would have no basis for not applying it.

The Annual Review reduction is probably the only one where there was any scope for wider interpretation because of the reductions that had accompanied the scores already - effectively there is a risk of double counting. I suspect that the system recomendation would have been -1.6 but they have only applied -1; your recent performances suggest that you are already playing to less than this so it looks an equitable step that will permit you to progress to cat 1 on the basis of future performances a little quicker, but doesn't deliver it on a plate.



Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Jay ... apreciate you dont want out of comp cuts but you gota face it mate YOU ARE a 6 handicapper ,

good golf & seems you can/should get lower ..


Nov 16, 2011
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Thanks again for the speedy replies. Time to work on the short game!

Congratulations. The course must suit you.

No real need to do anything more than what you are currently doing. You are already playing to Cat 1 standard!

And the fact that you haven't blown up like those other guys means that you are a better golfer than they are too - certainly more consistent!

And it looks like the committee is doing what is recommended! That seems to be a minority occurrence! :confused:

Some red faces after you won the first comp of that 'dodgy' 'cap? :eek:
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