

Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2008
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I have a big issue with alignment, today I thought I was aiming down the middle of the fairway, my mate stopped me before I took the shot , layed a club by my feet, it showed I was aiming so far right that I would of hit into the trees.

I have done this on numerous times when I set up, any drills/tips to help with alignment please .


Midnight ...


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
It's very simple, you stand with feet together, put the club down behind the ball with the bottom of the club at right angles to the target, then move the left leg a bit right, right leg a bit more right & you should be lined up perfectly. Try it, then put a club along your toe line. This should point left of the target & another club parallel with this & lined up on the ball should point at the target. Many people think the club across your toes should point at the target, but that's not right.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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If your feet are pointing correctly there's a good chance the hips & shoulders are square but you should check your stance in a mirror or get someone to put a club across your shoulders.

I have seen many people whos feet point right and shoulders are square and still hit the ball straight


Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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If your feet are pointing correctly there's a good chance the hips & shoulders are square but you should check your stance in a mirror or get someone to put a club across your shoulders.

Why argue with the guy who teaches people every day 😃

Shoulder alignment is key, toe alignment is largely irrelevant to aim but affects other things like hip turn...

"If your feet are pointing correctly there's a good chance the hips & shoulders are square" It would take me 3 golfers and 5 minutes to show you that is generally not true.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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If your feet are pointing correctly there's a good chance the hips & shoulders are square but you should check your stance in a mirror or get someone to put a club across your shoulders.

Generally, my shoulders are fractionally closed yet my hips knees and feet are square!

I generally hit a small draw and my fractionally closed shoulders, I feel help me start the ball a little right before turning back.

My old boy stand's with his shoulders open and his toe line further open. He booms a fade.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Any tips for checking shoulder alignment when you don't have any mates handy to tell you - i.e. on the range or on the course ?

Bob has a cracker using your left shoulder. Can't remember all of it but I'm sure he'll put you onto it.

EDIT: He beat me to it :rofl:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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only real ways to have consistent good alignment is to have a consistent psr (despite the bad rep those 3 letters often times get on these boards - it's not a coincidence that elite players always have a repeatable organized psr even down to the 'time taken' each time being virtually identical shot to shot) & a psr that's always built up in the same order of things done each time

pick target line to a definitive target (not a vague 'down the middle' or just 'towards the green') plus intermediate target little ways in front of the ball importantly all done from standing behind the ball so can look with 'binocular vision' straight down that target line that has 3 reference points

it's a good ways easier to keep target line with 3 points in perspective during walk round to the side of the ball to start set-up

then the clubface has to get aligned at 90º to that 3 point target line first off & then shoulders parallel to target line & at 90º to the face angle the spine posture also gets taken up, last of all the feet (which have been pretty close together) get adjusted to find both ball position and parallel relationship to target line

often times when playing with folks see them pick the target, target line from directly at ball set-up position
causes them to 'view' line with tilted head and not binocular vision so perspective gets skewed
then most often RH player aligned to the rightfield

and also the feet get 'planted in' first off with face angle and shoulders then getting arranged to the already wrongly planted foot line - normally that's a great recipe for not being aligned to target so even with a decent swing with reasonable contact & both path and face angle okay but to those initial wrong alignments ball it's not going to go to what was 'thought' to be the target

also common for folks wrongly aligned this ways to subconsciously try to 're-direct' the downswing to get the ball to target as the brain intuitively recognizes there's an 'aim problem' so funky strikes, funky shot curvature


Jul 14, 2016
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Have to say since going to back to the game and always hitting my left i have having issues with alignment and after reading the posts and suggestions i will be looking to improve rapidly. practice makes perfect.