A couple of questions on chipping.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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A couple of questions for those in the know.

I have a few questions on greenside (.... Within 5-10 yards of green) chipping. I played 11 holes (6 over) after work last night and found my chipping to be a little hit and miss. To be honest, it's been that way for a while. I don't have an issue with contact, more how to make a solid, repeatable stroke.

So, with this in mind.

Assuming the player in question (Me :D) has good set-up posture (Checked by pro) and a chip needs to be made onto a green. No slopes or anything to carry, just a straight forward chip:

Q1: Where would/should you position thre ball in your stance? Front? Middle? Back? Does it matter?

I'm currently playing the ball either in the middle, or a ball back of middle.

Q2: This is what I'm more concerned about. How much do the hips and body play a factor in returning the club to the ball? Should they rotate to target like any other swing? Or should your lower half keep as still as possible and the arms make the swing, smilar to a putt?

I've been doing the latter for a while, but I find the stroke feels restricted. I often, when making a practice stroke find my arms moving across my chest and moving left.

As I said earlier, I don't have an issue with contact. I normally get the ball onto the green, but never seem to get the desired result. Pace is normally pretty good but direction is inconsistent.

Any thoughts fom you good people would be appreciated :thup:


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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Interesting post

You have two schools of thought, the chip like you putt and the chip traditional method where the lower body rotates

I tried the chip putt and left everything short and couldn't judge very well at all

My chosen method having short game lessons this year is the chip where the lower half moves as well

Ball is played mid to mid back of very close stance and back and front swing must be about the same I movement

Crucial part is to set up next to the ball and take 1 or 2 practice chips brushing the grass and thinking too long too short etc and then play with conviction the actual shot but as stated moving the lower body and upper body like a mini mini pitch swing

Game has improved alot since I adopted this method and remember to vary the club for fly / run variations


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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tiger chipping here. very little hip movement at all. old style.


duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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1. either but always the same....
2. this is a chip; by the time you bring the lower half of the body in with a 6 iron it's going to be leaving the green the other side at pace from a 2ft backswing!

rule 1 - hands lead, or stay connected (like a putt)
rule 2 - accelerate through impact

most of the club players I watch break rule 2 most of the time, and a huge number have only 1 backswing length regardless of the distance required (and no they don't change clubs!)


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Apr 6, 2007
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I watched several players on the short game area at Gleneagles yesterday and saw a whole variety of feet/ball positions. It really comes down to what you are comfortable with and how much you practice it so that you have confidence you can play the shot when necessary.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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All the good players i Play with Gar have really soft hands when chipping.... I think its more of a feel and lot of practice thing.....
I have 2 mates one off +1 and one off 3..... They have similar chipping styles but the scratch golfer is lethal around the greens....

When i ask them the answer i get is always just practice.... Eventually you'll get a feel for the club.....

When i chip i always try to keep the handle forward of the head and i always feel like im going to take a little divot too.... That helps with not blading any......
Open stance, Open Hips, weak grip, and square shoulders and the ball position is off the right foot to keep it low and off the left foot for a more lofted chip.....

Another thing i noted as well is that im right handed.... Everything you come across for putting of chipping always says that you should let the left hand be the dominant one..... But if your naturally right handed then its only natural that you'll be more dominant with the right side and also have more feel..... Try and get a feel for the club head with the right hand and the weight of it and just let the left one go along for the ride....

Watch this Video of Freddie... Watch how soft his hands and wrists are... Around 3:00 mins....


duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Watch this Video of Freddie... Watch how soft his hands and wrists are...

this is where there is the potential for so much confusion - to me Freddie doesn't hit a single chip in the whole of that video, he is hiting pitch shots (even the commentators refer to them as such) which are a completely different thing.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Why would you have more feel?

I was going to ask what exactly is all this feel!

It's generally accepted that it represents an inherent understanding at the sub-concious level of the likely outcome of a particular motor function eg throwing a ball to someone; you don't think about how much effort to put into it, your subconcious does all the calculations based on experience.

Thus the more you practice the more feel you have for club, swing speed, trajectory and distance - but it's nothing to do with hands! (that's not to say that 'soft hands' aren't an important part of golf - they are)


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Why would you have more feel?

Ok ill rephrase it.... try and throw a ball with your left hand and then throw it with your right if your right handed....Which comes more natural to you...

Its the whole reason that people are left hand dominant and right hand dominant.....
Feel has a lot more to do with the short game than most people think.....


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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this is where there is the potential for so much confusion - to me Freddie doesn't hit a single chip in the whole of that video, he is hiting pitch shots (even the commentators refer to them as such) which are a completely different thing.

I know the difference between a pitch and a chip Duncan..... What i was trying to get Gareth to relate to were having soft hands....I dont think anywhere in my post i said watch freddie chip shots here.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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I know the difference between a pitch and a chip Duncan..... What i was trying to get Gareth to relate to were having soft hands....I dont think anywhere in my post i said watch freddie chip shots here.

but the thead title, and the OP questions, were very specifically about chipping, which is arguably the least 'soft hands/wrist break' shot in golf, along with putting...........
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Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 16, 2010
Ok ill rephrase it.... try and throw a ball with your left hand and then throw it with your right if your right handed....Which comes more natural to you...

Its the whole reason that people are left hand dominant and right hand dominant.....
Feel has a lot more to do with the short game than most people think.....

I don't buy the whole feel thing related to handed-ness. I'm a left-hander but I play golf right-handed. My golf swing is like a back-hand tennis stroke. Does this mean I have less feel around the greens? And isn't Phil Mickelson a natural right-hander that plays golf left-handed? You won't get a player with much more short-game feel than big Phil.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I don't buy the whole feel thing related to handed-ness. I'm a left-hander but I play golf right-handed. My golf swing is like a back-hand tennis stroke. Does this mean I have less feel around the greens? And isn't Phil Mickelson a natural right-hander that plays golf left-handed? You won't get a player with much more short-game feel than big Phil.

Doesnt matter whether your left or right handed Pal..... Your just trying to confuse the issue even more...... You must have one hand that is dominant with the majority of things that you do.....Whether thats your right or left its totally up to you.....

You might be the exception to the rule and be ambidextrous in which case you have the best of both worlds......

Let me put it to you this way then.......When you hit a golf ball...are you pulling the club through with your left hand seeing as you are a left handed person... Or do you push it through with your right hand?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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but the thead title, and the OP questions, were very specifically about chipping, which is arguably the least 'soft hands/wrist break' shot in golf, along with putting...........

So whats the story with this method by leftie then?
Hands have to stay soft to break the wrist going back!


Wrist break in putting!
You have to break the wrists slightly for long lag putts...... It comes down to the feels thing again for distance control.....


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 16, 2010
Doesnt matter whether your left or right handed Pal..... Your just trying to confuse the issue even more...... You must have one hand that is dominant with the majority of things that you do.....Whether thats your right or left its totally up to you.....

You might be the exception to the rule and be ambidextrous in which case you have the best of both worlds......

Let me put it to you this way then.......When you hit a golf ball...are you pulling the club through with your left hand seeing as you are a left handed person... Or do you push it through with your right hand?

Maybe I misinterpreted your post - I thought you were saying that if you chip right-handed, and you are naturally right handed, you'll have more feel than someone who chips right handed who is naturally left-handed. If you are saying this, then I don't agree :) If not, then my apologies :)

In answer to your question, I'm doing both.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Maybe I misinterpreted your post - I thought you were saying that if you chip right-handed, and you are naturally right handed, you'll have more feel than someone who chips right handed who is naturally left-handed. If you are saying this, then I don't agree :) If not, then my apologies :)

In answer to your question, I'm doing both.

No Pal.... whether your right handed or left handed doesnt matter one bit...All that matters is which one you are more dominant with......
Me personally im right handed at everything...... But i chip mush better when my right hand controls the club....And also with putting...
In putting everything on the net tells you that you should contol your putts with your left hand being dominant..... But i find that very hard to do being right handed.....And for the record.... My putting is one of the better parts of my game.... Go figure.:rolleyes: