Orikoru's latest activity

  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread Golf Random Irritations.
    Similar irritation for me. Just went through the process of arranging our next foursomes match, agreed upon Saturday 10th. Then they...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread L.A.B golf putters.
    I would love to try one but they are just silly money. The DF3 does look good - a vast improvement on the earlier version given that...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru reacted to AmandaJR's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
    I'm not torn on this one. The guy had been restrained, or at least was on the floor and not doing anything, and the kick and stamp...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru reacted to SteveW86's post in the thread The Footie Thread with Wow Wow.
    Did you learn nothing about Kane from the Euros? 😂
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread Random Irritations.
    So you think, as long as there was adequate provocation beforehand, the police officer was justified in kicking the assailant in the...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru reacted to Bazzatron's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
    Best out of the way mate, my then 4 year old gave it to his 1 year old sister, it was definitely him who moaned the most.
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru reacted to richart's post in the thread YouTubers. with Like Like.
    So we believe that all Trumps drives were first take ? ;)He drives a good buggy though.(y) I hope I haven't caught Trumps putting...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread The Footie Thread.
    I forgot about the under-23 rule to be fair. Not sure what the team would be then. Considering you can have up to three who are over the...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru reacted to Hobbit's post in the thread The Footie Thread with Haha Haha.
    Noooo! After the dire performances at the Euros I’d rather scoop my eyes out with a wooden spoon.
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread YouTubers..
    This is from Hole19 website, but it appears the red tees are not rated for men: 4391 yards and par 71. But it appears to be a par 71...
    • 1721832231430.png
    • 1721832391291.png
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread YouTubers..
    Shows you how much of it is luck. Apparently Rory only has one as well - and he made it in 2023. (This might be in professional...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread The Footie Thread.
    We should just enter the England team as the GB team. We'd only be one Andy Robertson away from an actual GB team then anyway.
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru reacted to 4LEX's post in the thread Vehicle reversing noises at 4.30 am ! with Like Like.
    Noise pollution is one of the worst things, especially when it impacts sleep. Unless you've experienced it you really don't know how...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread YouTubers..
    They stated a couple of times that they played red tees for the break 50 challenge. Some of the holes did seem exceptionally short even...
  • Orikoru
    Orikoru replied to the thread YouTubers..
    Come on - it's a well-known and well-publicised fact that Trump cheats and that most of 'club championships' were fabricated or...