Hobbit's latest activity

  • Hobbit
    Hobbit reacted to HomerJSimpson's post in the thread New strains of Covid symptons with Like Like.
    Best move to a hotel and make sure you are there for Saturday's club champs
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread New strains of Covid symptons.
    Sister and brother-in-law are just getting over it. Brother-in-law is struggling. We’ve not officially had it, though I was very ill...
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread Post Office - Horizon scandal.
    The more you watch, and I’ve not missed a session for months, the harder it gets to be objective with a suitable punishment. Equally...
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread Post Office - Horizon scandal.
    The early part of the Inquiry saw numerous SubPostmasters giving witness impact statements. You will have seen the impact on people’s...
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread Post Office - Horizon scandal.
    The number of SubPostmasters eligible for compensation is now at over 4,000. Were over a third of SubPostmasters criminals? Was the...
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread Post Office - Horizon scandal.
    A name that cropped up in Ben Foat’s session before the Inquiry is that of Dave Posnett. I’d not come across it before but a quick...
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread Sports Betting Thread.
    My only visit to New York was when I went to Rotherham for a Boro match. Well impressed with Matt Crooks, and disappointed when he he...
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit reacted to Neilds's post in the thread Sports Betting Thread with Like Like.
    As a lifelong Rotherham fan it’s nice to hear someone else backing them 😃
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread Post Office - Horizon scandal.
    Oh my head hurts! With ref the post above, Ben Foat’s initial appearance before the Inquiry was a last minute appearance, and doesn’t...
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread Single major or Tour Wins.
    Simple answer is yes. The current format for qualifying came in several years back, and that very question was aired then. Equally, as...
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit reacted to Neilds's post in the thread Single major or Tour Wins with Like Like.
    Agree with the has beens comments. The Majors have lots of past winners taking up places of much more deserving players, how can this...
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread Single major or Tour Wins.
    And Rose had to go through qualifying. It’s impossible to say whether or not it would be a weakened field as maybe one of those would...
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread Single major or Tour Wins.
    I can remember when the Australian Open was considered a premier competition. Sadly, it barely gets a mention these days.
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread Single major or Tour Wins.
    There’s been a good few with only a few tour wins who, once they’ve disappeared from the tours are all but forgotten. But if they’ve got...
  • Hobbit
    Hobbit replied to the thread F1 2024.
    Some say that Max has matured in recent years and hasn’t driven overly aggressively as he used to. No he hasn’t. For 3 years he’s had a...