D-S's latest activity

  • D
    D-S replied to the thread My EG app.
    So they have a Handicap Index and a CH which is modified by 0.93 (due to something which is pre WHS) and rules saying there are PHs but...
  • D
    D-S replied to the thread Golf Random Irritations.
    Just imagine what he will be like (medically) in 4 years time?
  • D
    D-S replied to the thread My EG app.
    So in reality they don't just have one Daily Handicap? Also the Daily Handicap is just the CH and they have 3 values (HI, CH and PH)...
  • D
    D-S replied to the thread My EG app.
    So is it the same for general play scores, individual strokeplay, 4BB (strokeplay and matchplay) 2 out of 3 and 4 etc. etc.?
  • D
    D-S replied to the thread My EG app.
    What is that in our terms?
  • D
    D-S replied to the thread The Footie Thread.
    40 years ago was 1984, you would have had to be 18 then to have been alive when England last won something. Kids playing in the park...
  • D
    D-S reacted to Deleted member 29109's post in the thread The Footie Thread with Like Like.
    Why can’t the English just be happy we got to a major tournament final?
  • D
    D-S replied to the thread Speed Limiting Cars.
    Is there a rationale to having cars that actually are capable of exceeding speed limits if the technology exists to restrict them?
  • D
    No such thing as the continuous review report anymore, although you can run the Handicap Review report at any time, over any time...
  • D
    D-S replied to the thread Speed Limiting Cars.
    It would be good to know if doing this might actually speed up traffic overall without the 'concertina effect' on motorways and the...
  • D
    Surely this annually? Of course a committee can review a player at any time.
  • D
    D-S replied to the thread Score in 4bbb used for handicap?.
    But if you put a score down and the other 'beats it' then the computer just ignores the lower score, so why bother putting it down?
  • D
    D-S reacted to Fade and Die's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
    I’m more concerned about the people that think Language is set in stone! It’s been fluid ever since we started grunting and pointing...
  • D
    D-S replied to the thread Random Irritations.
    If you accept that the Oxford English Dictionary is a suitable authority, then yes. Bespoke - made specially, according to the needs of...
  • D
    D-S replied to the thread Random Irritations.
    And groggy doesn’t now just mean someone who has drunk too much grog, they don’t need to be displaying the identical symptoms of...