Recent content by Bucktaylor64

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    He lost 20k and it’s now back up 10k.
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    Ryder Cup 2025 - only for highly skilled golfers this time

    Rahm will definitely be there!
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    TM woods, Takomo irons.
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    He's doing videos / pods with Liv players!
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    The sport full of people who don't care, but obsessively post about Liv! Need to get themselves a real hobby! If you don't like something scroll by!
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    Seriously looks a load of tosh! WWE Golf! Proper broadcast or not, the production is no better! Liv also in talks with a major tv company.
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    Commit to one and if they have a week where they want to do another, just call it extra! They've done some great ones with special guests, but too much time now chit chatting non Golf stuff. The worst was Nick Faldo - did one and never heard from again aprt from odd videos.
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    Whats happened to Rick Shiels podcast? Been nearly a month without one. Personally think Peter Finch one is better now.
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    His production quality is very good!
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    I'll take a look, but can't see me watching every week.
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    Professional Golf 2024 & 2025

    Anti-Liv people chat more about it than fans! Some post more on Liv pages than PGAT pages.
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    OpenPlay & iGolf not acceptable in opens

    There's plenty of sham handicaps held by regular club members.
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    I actually started watching a Luke Kwon video the other night. Didn't get passed the first hole.
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    There's often some good chat in Bryson's videos too!
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    Yes he's signed with Mizuno! No surprise as he plays their clubs anyway. He's quit doing club reviews too! Understandable as they won't want him plugging other brands, but Mark Crossfield is Srixon / Cleveland and manages to review other makes.