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      casuk replied to the thread End of season swansong.
      Same full greens but mats, I must say now that I'm using the spurk mat I don't mind using them
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      casuk replied to the thread End of season swansong.
      Weather doesn't look to bad for next week
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      casuk reacted to Oddsocks's post in the thread New trolley with Like Like.
      The new M series has a higher handle than the older version. I definitely notice it when using it being 6.1. It may be worth looking...
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      casuk replied to the thread New trolley.
      IV actually saw them quite a good idea
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      casuk replied to the thread New trolley.
      True, I like it in the holder as I walk but agree you need to crouch down a bit to see were your going, think I'm looking for excuses...
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      casuk reacted to Bunkermagnet's post in the thread New trolley with Like Like.
      Surely you just carry it and hand hold it? I dont use an umbrella as I find they are too low when trolley mounted for my eyes or head...
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      casuk reacted to Bunkermagnet's post in the thread New trolley with Like Like.
      All remotes are heavier than non remotes, as they normally have 2 motors. The M7 folds up quite small, so its easy to get into the boot...
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      casuk replied to the thread New trolley.
      Another thing I didn't even think about is my umbrella, in the rain Im close to my trolley keeping me dry as I walk, I think that could...
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      casuk reacted to Burnsey's post in the thread New trolley with Like Like.
      It often boils down to do we want a PK or MC. I took ages to decide and went for a PK CT8 GPS with EBS and a 36 hole battery. I...
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      casuk reacted to Oddsocks's post in the thread New trolley with Like Like.
      I’ve just upgraded from a 2016 m3 pro to the m1 with 36 hole battery. I didn’t want the gps function as it’s more to go wrong, didn’t do...
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      casuk reacted to Imurg's post in the thread New trolley with Like Like.
      I've had the M3 DHC since Covid, coming up on 1000 rounds with it....18 hole battery could still do 36 easily.. Feels like it'll go on...
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      casuk reacted to Bunkermagnet's post in the thread New trolley with Like Like.
      I have the MC M7 remote (non GPS). I wouldnt go back to a non remote one. Being able to walk bolt upright with hands in your pockets is...
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      casuk reacted to Oddsocks's post in the thread New trolley with Like Like.
      My m3 come to me used, estimated around the same and at 10yrs old it would still do 36 too. I only treated myself because of the older...
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      casuk reacted to PJ87's post in the thread New trolley with Like Like.
      I had the OG motocaddy M1 pro. picked it up in 2013. was a lovely trolly. 36 hole battery , sold it in 2020 when i joined my place as I...
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      casuk replied to the thread New trolley.
      Well I had a play around with some and I'm more narrowed down to the PK CT10 or MC M7 remote, I'm just deciding whether remote or non...
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