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    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy reacted to 4LEX's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
      Yes, let's not forget GMP only initally released footage of the kick and were about to throw the officers under the bus because they...
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy reacted to PaulMdj's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
      This, as much as I do have faith in our Police and the system, we all know there are those who should not wear the Uniform and be...
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy replied to the thread Random Irritations.
      Re the kicking of the guy in the head. My only grief is that he/ the copper only did it once. So why would I say that? Any Guy that is...
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy reacted to PaulMdj's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
      You are the minority.👍🏻 You and others are part of the problem.👍🏻
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy reacted to Pathetic Shark's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
      This forum going downhill again thanks to the usual suspects.
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy reacted to PaulMdj's post in the thread Random Irritations with Haha Haha.
      Was that when the RAF used Biplane’s? 😂😂😉
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy reacted to KenL's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
      Hope things all work out mate.
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy reacted to SteveW86's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
      We had our work Christmas do on Thursday night, ended up a bit heavier than I’d planned. Got home at 2, get woken up at 3 by the wife...
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy reacted to Oddsocks's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
      People that feel they need to start a convo with “ I’m vegan “ Took Mrs socks for lunch today, full menu on the tables and around the...
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy reacted to PaulMdj's post in the thread Films with Like Like.
      Red One, brilliant, loved it, Christmas classic.👏👏
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy reacted to Slab's post in the thread Slab's Caddy Comp with Like Like.
      Back home, a bit gutted with +1 but he's still 22nd place at 3 under and the shots that cost the bogey/ double on 14/15 won't happen...
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy replied to the thread Slab's Caddy Comp.
      Edit to say make that a double rammel from Mr Brown
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy replied to the thread Slab's Caddy Comp.
      After that double bogey I would have slipped out a rammel. 👍
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy replied to the thread Slab's Caddy Comp.
      Just found it 😁👍 cheers me man
    • Tashyboy
      Tashyboy reacted to bobmac's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
      Walk a shift in the shoes of a policeman/woman before you pass judgment. Are there bad apples in every barrel? Of course. But the 1000's...
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