Would you guys please take a look at my swing?


Deleted Member 1156


There is a lot of over-analysis of your swing going on here that is probably way above the level of information you need right now. You have a decent swing, just a few minor things that should be fairly easy to sort out. Like I said before, pay attention to the basics (alignment) and find yourself a decent pro to work on the little things. I've seen single figure golfers that don't swing the club as well as you do.


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland

There is a lot of over-analysis of your swing going on here that is probably way above the level of information you need right now. You have a decent swing, just a few minor things that should be fairly easy to sort out. Like I said before, pay attention to the basics (alignment) and find yourself a decent pro to work on the little things. I've seen single figure golfers that don't swing the club as well as you do.

Times two.


Nov 16, 2011
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Don't think you'll be a 19-capper for long with that swing!

Agree pretty much with not worrying too much about tiny tweaks at the mo, just making sure the 'fundamentals' don't slip. The one thing that looks slightly out is your feet. They seem to be a little wider apart than 'standard'. There are plenty of top guys who do the same, so it's not a show-stopper.

As others have said, this looks a pretty solid swing, so short game practice would be likely to give best results for the time spent. Just that annoyingly wonderful flop shot stuff we old-farts see you guys doing will improve your ball-striking and feel!
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I think you have a lovely swing and to start with I was desperately looking for swing faults and I guess I was not sharp enough to see the alignment bits that have come up. I wonder though, are you awaying your hips? Are your hips moving latereraly towards the camera on your back swing? If you are, and are this is just one swing you have showed us and probubly the best one, then you will lose a lot of consistency in your swing.

With your good shot the ball starts where? and ends where?

Your bad shot the ball starts right and ends far right? How often do you hit the destructive one?

What driver and shaft are you using, that thing looked like it launched the ball to the moon! Might just be the video.

Bottom line is you have a great baseline for a proper swing! Welcome to the forum.
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Head Pro
Apr 3, 2012
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I think you have a lovely swing and to start with I was desperately looking for swing faults and I guess I was not sharp enough to see the alignment bits that have come up. I wonder though, are you awaying your hips? Are your hips moving latereraly towards the camera on your back swing? If you are, and are this is just one swing you have showed us and probubly the best one, then you will lose a lot of consistency in your swing.

With your good shot the ball starts where? and ends where?

Your bad shot the ball starts right and ends far right? How often do you hit the destructive one?

What driver and shaft are you using, that thing looked like it launched the ball to the moon! Might just be the video.

Bottom line is you have a great baseline for a proper swing! Welcome to the forum.

Thanks for the feedback.

My good shot is a very small fade

My bad shot is a big slice, however I don't tend to hit these as much as i used to.

I use a Wilson Driver, one that came with a package set (http://www.golfworx.co.uk/a~wil1200s-wilson-ultra-1200-moi-mens-package-golf-set-steel.html).