When you let players resolve their own sporting arguments

Pathetic Shark

Tour Rookie
Oct 16, 2013
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There is not so much fighting in ice hockey any more but last night was a real throwback.
NHL Game Highlights | Capitals vs. Rangers - May 5, 2021 - YouTube

Washington's No.43, Tom Wilson, sucker-punched a Ranger player Monday night and somehow escaped a suspension (he's had about five in his career already). The Rangers went mental in the media because of it and vowed revenge. And so it came to pass. After all the initial fights, Wilson comes on to the ice 45 seconds into the game and immediately gets a ninja attack on him by another Ranger. At one point, there were six players each in the penalty box and it was standing room only.

We need this in the Premier League (on the field not United fans breaking into Old Trafford to act like hooligans). :D


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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There is not so much fighting in ice hockey any more but last night was a real throwback.
NHL Game Highlights | Capitals vs. Rangers - May 5, 2021 - YouTube

Washington's No.43, Tom Wilson, sucker-punched a Ranger player Monday night and somehow escaped a suspension (he's had about five in his career already). The Rangers went mental in the media because of it and vowed revenge. And so it came to pass. After all the initial fights, Wilson comes on to the ice 45 seconds into the game and immediately gets a ninja attack on him by another Ranger. At one point, there were six players each in the penalty box and it was standing room only.

We need this in the Premier League (on the field not United fans breaking into Old Trafford to act like hooligans). :D

Thought this is what caused Salah to go down? Tough cookie like him


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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They look like they're pulling most of the punches.
If you threw a proper punch at a guy in a helmet and visor you'd soon end up with broken fingers.

Baldy Bouncer

Aug 7, 2013
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There is not so much fighting in ice hockey any more but last night was a real throwback.
NHL Game Highlights | Capitals vs. Rangers - May 5, 2021 - YouTube

Washington's No.43, Tom Wilson, sucker-punched a Ranger player Monday night and somehow escaped a suspension (he's had about five in his career already). The Rangers went mental in the media because of it and vowed revenge. And so it came to pass. After all the initial fights, Wilson comes on to the ice 45 seconds into the game and immediately gets a ninja attack on him by another Ranger. At one point, there were six players each in the penalty box and it was standing room only.

We need this in the Premier League (on the field not United fans breaking into Old Trafford to act like hooligans). :D

Superb, cheers for posting.:):LOL:(y)

Deleted member 29109

Not sure punching people in the head when they're all wearing helmets is the most effective tactic. :ROFLMAO:
Thats why you get in close and go for uppercuts.

There used to be a gentlemans agreement, that if you were going to have a punch up, helmet and gloves come off.

Pathetic Shark

Tour Rookie
Oct 16, 2013
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Thats why you get in close and go for uppercuts.

There used to be a gentlemans agreement, that if you were going to have a punch up, helmet and gloves come off.

Correct -gloves off means a fight. The helmets tend to come off naturally in fights. The referees/linesmen will stay out of the way until a player goes to the ice then they will step in. All the players adhere to the code as well which is why you see others on the bench banging their sticks in support. Any player who joins in a fight or comes off the bench would probably be kicked out of the league for the season - it just doesn't happen. This is not handbags at six paces which is what the Premier League is about.

Pathetic Shark

Tour Rookie
Oct 16, 2013
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There was a great sound bite in a Lightning game a couple of months ago where one of our smaller speedier players got into some verbals with one of the Panther toughnuts before a face-off. The Florida guy replied "you're not big or important enough to fight". A few shifts later, Pat "The Big Rig" Maroon faced the same guy in a face-off and told him "how about me then?" Sure enough gloves off and the Big Rig dealt with him to the total respect of all the Lightning players.

Deleted member 15344

I don't get it. What has a punch-up got to do with Hockey? I get in sports there are flare ups from a bad tackle etc, I just don't get American sports....

Same with me - it’s ego or arrogance with a lot of the US sports , they always seem to play for the World Championship of that sport , rules over complicated and it seems to allow the “punch ups”

Deleted member 29109

Ice hockey is the best sport there is. It may seem complex from the outside, but once you've played it, it gets under your skin like nothing else.

I would give up golf and football forever to play another season of hockey. But my pastry knee and hip probably wouldn't make it through a warm-up ?


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2015
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As opposed to a round of golf which is about 4 hours long give or take ?
And has rules so complex that they have to produce books giving decisions on them.

Mind you, I've had some games of golf where being able to punch playing partners would definitely have improved things.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I can't even stand upright on ice skates let alone throw a punch and keep my balance. Fair play to these guys, that's talent.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I don't get it. What has a punch-up got to do with Hockey? I get in sports there are flare ups from a bad tackle etc, I just don't get American sports....
Yeah I agree. Is it a sport? Is it MMA? All seems a bit Neanderthal to me. Get on with the game and stop trying to prove who's the manliest man. :rolleyes:


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015

You're right in saying that this has calmed down a lot in other sports though. Ice Hockey still see this as being acceptable and I think a lot of it is pandering to the crowd.
I remember the old days of Rugby League and I think of some of the real hard men of that era just from my old Widnes team. Vince Karalius, Jim Mills, Brian Hogan, Paul Woods, Glyn Shaw to name but a few. You crossed them at your peril.

Pathetic Shark

Tour Rookie
Oct 16, 2013
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Yeah I agree. Is it a sport? Is it MMA? All seems a bit Neanderthal to me. Get on with the game and stop trying to prove who's the manliest man. :rolleyes:

It is about resolving their own arguments and not allowing liberties to be taken. Wayne Gretzky was the greatest player of all time but he would have been killed within a year without the protection of the likes of Marty McSorley on his team.

Deleted member 29109

It is about resolving their own arguments and not allowing liberties to be taken.

Exactly this.

I've sat in the penalty box next to someone I've just been punched by, fist bumped them and congratulated them on catching me with a good one.

Even after the most aggressive games, we would always go for some food or a beer with the other team after a game.

Much like rugby, there is a mutual respect due to the physical and dangerous nature of the game. But during the game you show no weakness. I've had broken teeth and blood pooring out of my mouth, broken fingers and broken bones in my feet and carried on playing with a smile. Hurts like hell afterwards mind.

It's not for everyone. And probably why I don't lose my s#&t is someone doesn't mark their ball on the green ?