What's the ruling?


Head Pro
Nov 11, 2010
I've just got back from squeezing a very pleasant 9 holes in this morning before starting work.

My question is as simple as this:

What's the ruling for when you take a tee shot and - because of the light shining in your eyes - you can't see where it went?

At Godstone this morning around 4 of the 9 holes were directly into the sun and as I was playing on my own I didn't have anyone to spot my shots. I could tell I'd hit the tee shots well but had no idea where they went so what I ended up doing is (because I was playing just for practice) dropping without penalty in the spot where I thought they would reasonably have headed.

What's the ruling on this?


Head Pro
Nov 11, 2010
Is it really? Wow - I never realised that!

It seems a bit...unfair though...doesn't it? On a couple of mine I ended up finding the ball and playing it, but on the others I would never have known where to look.

You would have thought that course designers might take the light direction into consideration?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Is it really? Wow - I never realised that!

It seems a bit...unfair though...doesn't it? On a couple of mine I ended up finding the ball and playing it, but on the others I would never have known where to look.

You would have thought that course designers might take the light direction into consideration?

A bit unfair. lol, baz thats the joy of playing solo. be carefull though as looking up to quick can also become a fault when playing alone.

Re taking light direction into account, i thing your find land contours, natural slopes and drainage are more of a priority when building as course.

When every i play solo i work on tempo and practice alone, a score card isnt really key, just a nice walk, a good swing and fresh air ;)


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Am I the only one who thinks this thread is just a bit of a wind up ?

i thought the OP was bit strange question , but if you dont know ASK..its the only way to find out.. ..but the subsequent reply of "is it realy WOW never realised that" to bobs answer, made me wonder a bit, then the idea of the course been designed due to direction of the sun.. or something like that.. that threw me a bit .. dont think its a wind up tho DCB.. but :D :D....


Head Pro
Nov 11, 2010
Am I the only one who thinks this thread is just a bit of a wind up ?


Sorry if it came across that way - I can assure you it isn't!

I'm fairly new back to golf so not that clear on a lot of the rules. At this stage anyway I'm not a member of a club, don't have a proper handicap and don't play in competitions, so I'm reasonably happy hacking it around my local course for now.

This was a genuine question though - I hit what sounded and felt like good shots off the tee, but the sun was so glaring and directly facing me that I just couldn't see where the ball went.

Accepting that this isn't a windup for a second, surely I'm not such an idiot for asking about this - ask anyone who tees off early for their opinion and I'm sure that everyone's been in a situation where they have lost sight of their ball because of the bright sun, at least once? And it would seem they get penalised because of it?

Hardly seems fair.

Was just interested, that's all :)


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Am I the only one who thinks this thread is just a bit of a wind up ?


Sorry if it came across that way - I can assure you it isn't!

I'm fairly new back to golf so not that clear on a lot of the rules. At this stage anyway I'm not a member of a club, don't have a proper handicap and don't play in competitions,
so how have you a current handicap 21 & hoping to get down to 15 ??? but as i say the best way to find out something you dont know is to ask man.. ive posted a few questions here on rules i wasnt sure of & always get helpful advice.. as for the sun in the eyes we have this prob every sunny sunday morning on our 1st & 2 holes , at least in comps you will have playing partners to help keep an eye on it , & its better than playing in the rain :D :D


Head Pro
Nov 11, 2010
...re: above poster. Just using the handicap calc tool on golfshake.com. I don't think the algorithm for calculating handicaps is that secret! Just because I'm not yet a member of a club doesn't mean I can't keep track of how I'm playing!


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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...re: above poster. Just using the handicap calc tool on golfshake.com. I don't think the algorithm for calculating handicaps is that secret! Just because I'm not yet a member of a club doesn't mean I can't keep track of how I'm playing!
yep fair play but in your origional you said you playing this morning just for the practice , if you not a member or dont play in comps then surely every round is practice ?is it not?? anyhow so long as you enjoying your golf thats all that matters ,keep at it


Head Pro
Nov 11, 2010
Well yes, I suppose it is.

Sorry - I feel a bit like I'm getting flak for what I thought was a fairly reasonable question actually!

I'm not a member of a club but I'm looking to join one - but in the meantime I'm still not a fantastic player so don't see what harm there is in playing casually without being a member? I'm not at a playing ability where rules like that are of direct interest - I played this morning with 3 balls on the go at any one time, replayed shots 'just for practice' and didn't count my score...is there a problem with that? Going out to practice what I learn in my lessons without the pressure of the scorecard helps - I don't count every round.

Re: course design - I was actually making a serious point! Godstone (where I played) is 9 holes, of which 4 or 5 are teeing off straight into the sun during morning rounds in Spring and Summer. Given it's fairly open and virtually no trees I was just observing that I'm sure it could have been designed so that those playing it didn't have to hit their tee shots directly into the glare of the sun each time!


Tour Winner
Sep 26, 2010
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I've lost a few balls playing solo golf of an evening on our 17th and 18th which face directly into the setting sun. Of course I have no idea what direction they actually face as I have never taken a compass on to the course as that would be cheating, despicable artifical devices that they are. :D :D :D

On a more serious note BB, even though you aren't playing competively I'd really recommend having a good read of the Rules. There's a nice little quick guide at the beginning and you can work your way through the full Rules over time. They are a bit dry and hard to fathom sometimes but they are the fundemental basis of the game. Despite playing for 40 years I always find something I didn't know. Sometimes they do seem a tad harsh but if you understand what they are trying to achieve they all sort of make sense.


Tour Winner
Jan 4, 2009
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You would have thought that course designers might take the light direction into consideration?

So designers need to take into account the fact that you play in the mornings, what about those who play in the evenings when the sun is low in the West? In an ideal world, all holes should be downhill with wind and sun behind. I'm sorry but life isn't like that. ;)


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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Don't worry about asking odd questions Barry, remeber the Chinese proverb:
"He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes, he who does not ask a question remains a Fool forever."

As has been said above, some rules do appear harsh but they're trying to remove any chance of the unscrupulous player gaining an unfair advantage. In your example for instance, there may be some players who, heaven forbid, would claim to have drilled one straight down the fairway into the sun when in reality it skidded into the bushes at the side of the tee, the lost ball penalty covers this and when you think about it it's the only fair ruling.

As Mashie said, if you're going join a club and start entering competitons then you should make a good knowledge of the rules a priority, there's nothing worse than standing on the fairway not knowing what you should do in a situation. I've got the "Decisions on the Rules of Golf" and keep it to hand in the smallest room where I can have a quick browse.