What should I work on?


Journeyman Pro
Feb 9, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Afternoon all,

I'd like a little advice on which part of my game I should work on at the moment. I've just started to record stats from my last 2 rounds on Friday and Saturday. They were on different courses but I don't think that should matter.

Fairways hit - 30.8%
GIR - 5.6%
Putts - 35 (1 three putt which was on the only green I hit with my tee shot on a short par 4, would of been my first eagle too)

Fairways hit - 46.7%
GIR - 5.6%
Putts - 35 (2 three putts)

I know my GIR's were crap so should I work on that or do I need to work on chipping in closer when I miss the greens so I can save par if I can 1 putt?

Im really unsure what to work on and I'd appreciate some advice from people who know what to look for when it comes to stats.



Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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were your FIR a decent length leaving medium irons into the green? could you take a shorter club for the 2nd and leave an easy chip to the pin?

when around the green what shot do you try? do they usually come up short or thinned through the green?

I only ask as your stats are similar to mine although I hit less fairways and slightly more greens


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I dont worry about GIR tbh, I have more chance of holing a chip or getting it close than putting from the other side of the green :)

If your short off the tee leaving a long approach then see if you can either improve your driving/woods distance or lay up with 2nd to fave club distance for a better chance of getting close with the 3rd

if you are fine off the tee practice the long/mid irons and find your proper distances for full and 3/4 swings

if they are not too shabby then focus on short game

if you are closer to the pin then putts will come down automatically but always keep practicing putting especially from 6ft and in as these are the putts that can make a big difference (how many times do a lot of us 2 putt from 6ft?)


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Yes 1 fairway in 18, shocking I know. Couldn't seem to get on in 2 and the thing is I can't put my finger on why

Are we talking fairways or greens? If your fairways are up to a decent standard, then surely it's your irons that are letting you down.
Everyone keeps going on about short game, but even the short game is affected by how close to the green you are. On the fringe or a few yards short/long/wide, then, yes! Short game rules. If you're in the cabbage or tricky bunker, then (with respect to those who believe differently) just get it on the green and accept a 2 putt.
Not wishing to sound too patronising, but I see a lot of folks wasting shots trying too hard to get up and down.
If you get near 18 greens, then 18 ain't so hard. If you can hit 4 or 5, then 14 or 13 is on the cards. A couple of nice long putts and 2 or 3 up n downs when there's a simple un-risky shot, and suddenly 14 becomes 10.

Irons, I say! :)

Then short game. If we could get up n down all the time, we'd all be off scratch.