UK courses when social distancing eases before travel increases


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Dec 17, 2018
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The sensible option is to initially open to members only at private clubs. Public courses could operate for people who pre-paid via an online booking only.

I think we will need to ease back into normality.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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We've 106 members not renewed yet as of last week. I'm not sure that golf is the greatest worry for a lot of people, many are much worse off given that they have been laid off, furloughed, not received Government money etc etc so, I think many golf clubs will be pretty quiet for a period as it'll take some time for a percentage of members to return, financially, to normality. The contingent of older vets who dont have those worries will return as soon as they can but the younger working people, I sincerely hope they survive both physically and financially but it'll certainly take time.


Aug 5, 2018
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A lot of people are stuck at home bored though, and will be able to find £30+ or whatever for a round when we're allowed out. The first day of decent weather when we're allowed back out, I think courses will be very busy.

Membership long-term... I think a lot of people that haven't renewed yet, may well not bother again for two reasons:

1) Financial constraints, as you've mentioned above.

2) They've now broken the habit of renewing.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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In tennis you touch the same balls throughout. In bowls you Both touch the jack, in crown green you both touch the footer and you are less than a metre away throughout, in competitive league bowls you have 2 measurers measuring distances within 2 metres. Maybe tennis can get by outdoors and having one ball each but it would get bitty. Bowls won’t be competitive this year. Maybe practice allowed with a maximum of singles practicing on the green.

If the top men in parliament decide to ease lockdown rules to allow golf for members only golf, singles, 10 mins between tee times I will be there every day and my handicap will tumble!
Give us a week or 2 before you open the pubs at least.

And how is that going to happen with no-one to mark your card?


Sep 9, 2017
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There has to be a plan in place for phasing back to normal. I expect that to include golf clubs re-opening some time in May but still enforcing levels of social distancing, yes some will stretch the rules but most will adhere and it will be for the greater good. Locked down to the extent we are is not sustainable and will create other problems IMHO.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
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Another 3 weeks of lockdown ahead, then we may see some easing of restrictions. Potentially this could mean courses opening as soon as the bank holiday weekend starting 8th May, which is sooner than I expected.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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If they revert to the restrictions before lockdown my club wasnt allowing visitors or green fees, just members.
I suspect they will insist on 2 balls maximum to ensure SD is adhered to
There probably wont be any of the organised roll ups that usually happen every day.
As I'm off work until SD is lifted I'll be playing every damn day...probably after lunch as it'll be busy in the mornings...


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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Like everyone I am hopeful that the social distancing measures in the UK will ease so we get some semblance of a season - my back garden is now one large divot field.

Presumably local travel will be possible before international travel - lots of courses have a huge amount of expensive tee times taken up by tourists (often American).

Do folks think that there will be a period of time when UK golfers will have a surplus of tee times available so we could start ticking off bucket list or special occasion courses that are now looking for business -

Trying to find a bright side to all of this and starting to dream

I would imagine that that will be the case.

However when courses do reopen I'd imagine they will have restrictions like only 2 balls, no caddies, 10 min intervals. Plus a lot of UK people will have similar ideas and the members will have been golf starved and want to play quite a bit.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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It will depend solely on the rules, and whether it remains "essential" travel and how efficiently it gets policed. If we get back to the situation the weekend before lockdown then I am sure courses will be rammed and most will be offering green fees to get some much needed cash in. To be honest having paid my membership for the year I'd rather just go to my club and get my money's worth as much as I can

I was thinking this as well. I had a big trip this week planned, that didn't happen. So human nature is to get something rearranged and get things in the diary to look forward to.

But I'm also well aware that I've not played my own course in 'proper' conditions since September last year, so I will actually be happy as a pig in excrement to be able to get out there.


Tour Winner
Jan 4, 2009
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I can't work out any practical answer as to why people are mentioning 10 minute intervals for tee times, or only 2 balls.

Obviously it will mean less people on the course, but 10 or 8 minutes, or just tee off when it's clear, will be absolutely irrelevant, as will whether there are 2, or 3 playing together.

It will show that the golf clubs are doing something responsible to help the situation of courses being open. Even if players get closer than the recommended distancing, the club can claim that it's not their fault and therefore cannot be held accountable.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I can't work out any practical answer as to why people are mentioning 10 minute intervals for tee times, or only 2 balls.

Obviously it will mean less people on the course, but 10 or 8 minutes, or just tee off when it's clear, will be absolutely irrelevant, as will whether there are 2, or 3 playing together.

I am guessing to keep groups apart on the course, to minimise the risk of queuing on the tee, to ensure that the course does not get too crowded and groups remain spread out and because it is easier for 2 people to social distance than 4. I guess as well that if you have 4 balls, 3 balls and 2 balls on the course it is easy to bunch up whereas it should be easier to stay apart on the course if all groups are of the same size.


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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I can see a number of difficulties, but if the lockdown is eased and the country parks / parks etc. are re-opened simultaneously the positives might outweigh the difficulties. For example, thinking about my situation:
  • 20 mins car journey from golf course - probably not alone in these, so more vehicles on the road
  • control of arrival at the course - ie someone has to police this to ensure only those meant to be there (Members only? Bookings only?) are there
  • Car park - I know more than the people I'm playing with, some will be finishing, some will be getting ready to start - policing these informal chats
  • Signing in and getting my card - okay, so even if it's one card for my group, someone has to touch a door handle, touch the touch-screen to sign everyone one, and take the label to put on the card, touch door handle on way out
  • Comp Fee - we pay every comp; so money in an envelope, and also anyone else's in my group?
  • Arrive at first day, social distance from the group in front but avoid the temptation to interact and chat at close quarters!
  • Play golf - having played in a fourball just before lockdown, it's actually pretty easy to stay 2m away and still socialise and play. There might be a bit of an awkward dance around the tee box but nothing insurmountable.
  • Flags & Rakes - have to be off limits.
  • Finishing the round - again, avoiding the informal chatting in the car park
  • Lodging card - again, door handle and touch screen score entry.
  • 20 mins journey home.
Nothing insurmountable, we've no digital entry for scores but I would be happy to record all scores on my mobile and email a completed card, but then someone has to re-enter all of those to 'Master Scorecard'.

If they are reopened I see no major advantage of 2 balls over 4 balls, the dance at the tee box to park trolleys and give everyone the space is the possible exception. I'd love a game to be honest but not until we've been told it's safe to do so.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Can't see anything that justifies relaxing the rules. Keep the courses closed, observe the rules and wait for this terrible disease to properly abate. I think it is pretty clear if all the restrictions are lifted too soon it will spike again. I actually think we'll see periodic spikes in the next 12-24 months anyway and further restrictions re-inforced even when we are back playing. Once we can golf it may not be a continuous process


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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2 players only at 10 minute intervals does not match with 'I shall play every day'.

Summer daylight hours.
12 players per hour with say nine hours of possible tee times = 108 players a day , 756 rounds a week.
12 players per hour with say ten hours of possible tee times = 120 players a day, 840 rounds a week.

Following our April renewals we have approximately 600 members left only the lucky few should get more than one game a week

Clubs will have to amend their booking system so every member gets a fair chance to play.


Apr 16, 2020
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No, totally disagree.
"OK Mr golf club manager, how is your club different from normal society?"

"Well, we have 10 minute tee times and people play in 2s"

"What tangible difference does that make?"

"Errr, none actually"
It would mean fewer people milling about the front of the clubhouse, nets and first tee at the same time and socially distancing would be easier on the course.