Thoughts on my swing


Journeyman Pro
Aug 29, 2010
Scottish Borders
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Afternoon everyone,

Been struggling of late, had a good round the other week then this week blew up coming in with 120 blows. Ended up taking 6 irons off the tee as it was the longest club I could hit straight. I've been putting a bit of work in the last couple days to get some more turn in the swing. Which is giving me a better connection over all. My main issues are with 5 iron up, starts with a gentle fade then turn into a big slice moving up the bag.

Anyone got any thoughts on what I can to do improve my swing.



Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Your swing path is miles to the left. Trying swinging out to 1 o'clock if 12oclock is straight down the target line.


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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A very out to in swing. Does look like your hands a much to close to your body . Try standing a bit further away from the ball, to give yourself room to swing the club down into.

London mike 61

Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 18, 2013
Chigwell, Essex
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It looks to me like you are bending forwards from the waist and not from the hips, which means that you haven't got enough room in your posture to swing the club properly. You look like you are being forced to curtail your back swing and follow through in order to hit the ball.

To get the correct posture , if you put a club behind your back so that one end touches your tail bone just above your bum, and the other end touching the back of your head then bend forwards until your arms hang naturally from your shoulders.

With your knees unlocked you should now have enough room to do a full back swing with your shoulder going under the chin and back through to a full finish.

Earlier in the year I got a little bit sloppy in my set up so it looks like the same issue I was having.

Hope it all gels again soon, good luck!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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if it was the white flag you were aiming at, everything, shoulders, hip, feet were well left of it. (if you're recording your swing for you or anyone to look at put a rod or club down just off the toe line that's exactly parallel to your target line for a point of reference as to your aim - always good idea when practicing to put a rod down just outside the ball & also one just off your toes that ways a might easier to get alignment in good order.)

don't know how tall you are, pretty decent posture, but maybes a little too much bend in the knees, maybe hands a little close to the thighs but the aim set up meant we're not looking along an angle to see that clearly, hunch would be to give that a little more space.

a decent shoulder turn. good position half ways back when left arm is horizontal to the ground, hands nicely in front of sternum, chest center, so club going back on a good plane, just arms carrying on a little ways too far so bit of an overswing right arm at elbow collapsing some.

so a little long backswing there with a PW, ways past parallel, although left arm on a good plane. with left wrist in good alignment.

but the right arm is going a ways past the 90º elbow angle you'd want atop of the swing. so you losing some width there.
look to how near your hands are to the head from the 'face on' angle.

when the body turn/shoulders stop at around 90º, you want the arm swing to stop too, so then the right arm angle at the elbow to not go past the 90º angle at the elbow to be able to retain some width at the top but also make it a deal easier to time the & sequence the downswing the arms/hands/club connected to the body turn to & through impact.

check your shoulders & hips are square so parallel left of the ball/target line.

would say that both the left & right hands are a ways weak (rotated too much counter-clockwise on the handle) both thumb, forefinger creases, 'the 'V's' pointing to much to the chin. given that you having trouble with the ball flight going away too much to the right.
if possible at address you'd want to see around 2&1/2 knuckles on the left hand so would need to rotate that left hand clockwise some on the handle, so the 'V' point would then point to around mid right shoulder, with the right hand palm feeling parallel to that left palm position so the right hand 'V' parallel to the left's so that also points to mid right shoulder too.

feel then the weight goes into the left foot lead leg first as your back for a beat remains looking to target, then the right shoulder arms/hands/club first move from the top is 'downwards' not right shoulder arms etc. moving outwards towards the ball/target line.

Your first move from the top is moving outwards some & the upper body is also moving laterally left a little some so your center is not staying behind the ball.

so have a look at the grip, watch you're not open shoulders, hips etc. work to 'stop' the arm swing when the body/shoulder turn stops so you keep the 90º angle a little ways better in the right arm.
lower body. weight into the left side starts transition & so will move a tad laterally left - but the upper body, head, has to stay behind the ball as you swing downwards from the top, then just swing & turn through the ball as you do now to a balanced finish. might help to feel you are swinging down to contact the inner backside quarter of the golf ball through impact.