This feels weird!!!

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Gentlemen I'm looking not so much for help (As such) here more understanding or a knowing nod of the head.

I went for a lesson straight from work tonight. My pro (from the last lesson) had me working on a better weight transfer on the down swing as I had a tendency to hang back on my right side which wrecked havoc with my downswing.

He gave me a drill, which I've been working on the last 6 or so weeks, which has got me moving nicely forward through my downswing and he said he was happy with how it was progressing.

Now that I'm moving through the shot he wants me to work on keeping my head still while bumping (His words) my hips forward to start the down swing. The reason for this was the previous drill encouraged a small amount head movement but said not to worry as the feeling (And actual movement) of moving forward was more important at that time.

Top and tail of it (from the top of the back swing) to start the downswing he says I should start it from the legs up and bumping my hips forward (Towards the target), while keeping my head centre'd and as still as possible, will drop my hands naturally. I did as he asked with some instruction and ended up like this at impact (This is not be BTW :D)


I took driver to the lesson and for the first time I can remember I hit an arrow straight drive and not my usual gentle fade. Happy days.

After a few more shots the fade re-appeared but was more than happy as the ball flight was miles better.

Here's where you guys come in.

When I bump (if that's even the correct term) my hips and swing this way, at impact I feel like I'm going to get stuck under myself, I don't, but it feels really weird. The only was I can describe it is to refer you to the above picture :D

Is this feeling just how it is or have I just got to wait until the changes bed in??

Any answers, as always, greatfully appreciated.

(P.S I'm going to get a video done asap and get it posted)


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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my pro has me doing the same Gareth and it feels like my top and bottom half are fighting with each other, it just feels wierd.

The fade reappears because your not working the hips through properly or as my Pro kept saying 'your not working hard enough'. By having the correct turn through with the hips it should cause the club to come through on a more in to out path hence arrow straight or even a slight draw which I had on occasion.

Slow it all down and work on a half swing, the body has to get used to the new move of the hips

I am only giving advice based on my lesson and subsequent range sessions, I still can't get it right Gareth but I intend working on it over the winter.

good luck as I think this is quite a big jump forward lesson/technique wise, my pro said I am ready but I really dont think so but I trust him and his judgement as you should yours :)

One Planer

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Feb 11, 2011
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Not really a case of Trust G1bbo, but I know what you mean.

Seemed to work with the driver and was impressed, actually very impressed as I thought I would struggle with the adjustment from the previous drill but not wasn't as bad as I'd thought.

I'm off to the range Thursday with my irons to see how they play.


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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just remember its gonna take time, unfortunately I didnt put enough range time in and switched back to my dodgy old swing. Nw I know I need to put a bit more effort in and have a bit of self discipline.

Remember to still enjoy it though :)

One Planer

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Feb 11, 2011
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For sure Dave.

I'm actually looking forward to filming it..... If I can get someone to hold the camera with laughing :D

I know it's going to take time, but I want to spend the winter getting this ingrained as I want to try to start making a hole in my handicap next season.

I've only been playing about 18 months give or take and would rather get things right early on than say in 10 years time and try and undo years of bad habits.


Head Pro
Sep 1, 2010
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Gareth, what you describe above was the best thing i ever learnt about the golf swing.
Once you get used to it you should see a massive difference in your game.

Have a look at the video below from the master himself Ben Hogan.... the slo mo at the end is just fantastic
and should explain the principal very well.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2010
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I love that film "if you don't mind I'll hit a ball". I don't mind one bit mr hogan, whack away.

On a serious note this bit I had to work out myself as I was all arms and then one day just had that eureka moment!

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Gareth, what you describe above was the best thing i ever learnt about the golf swing.
Once you get used to it you should see a massive difference in your game.

Have a look at the video below from the master himself Ben Hogan.... the slo mo at the end is just fantastic
and should explain the principal very well.

Nice video and a lovely swing by the man himself.

My swing differs slightly to the norm' as I keep my weight more on my left hand side and address and through the back swing (a' la' Stack & Tilt) staying centre'd over the ball. This I've always done as I find I get a better ball contact. When I had a more conventional weight transfer (Right to left) I found I hit almost everything fat or topped because I was struggling to get back to the ball.

How it was explained to me was the lateral bump initiates the down swing and gets your weight moving toward the target allowing you to hit against your left hand side (Right handed player).

This bit I understand. I went to the range last night to hit a few balls and try to get this feeling pinned down. I have to be honeest, I can see where G1b is coming from when he says the top and bottom halves feel to be at opposites.

I'm going to the range again at lunch today with my irons, again to try an normailze the feeling of sliding my hips. I may try and get a video done while I'm there.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Didn't want to start a new thread so I thought I'd add to his one.

Bit of a strange question but I'm going to pt it out there.

Since I've started with the changes my pro suggested (Starting the down swing with my hips), every morning I wake up and my left side, just above my hip is, not sore but a little stiff. I guess it's because I'm doing something different than the norm' in my swing and i'm using bits of my body I wouldn't normally use (as much)

Does this sound about right?


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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Morning Gareth,

Yes, this sounds familiar and nothing much to worry about as long as it's temporary.

I introduced similar changes a few months ago after falling into bad habits and getting far too arm-y on the downswing without engaging hips.

Introduced a much more pronounced hip bump / turn / SLIDE :p and I could feel it in my abductor muscles, which are there to aid lateral movements in the legs.

Most of us under-use them in daily life - we walk in straight lines, but then if we DO use them, eg for football or another dynamic activity, they hurt like hell the next day!

Not sure exactly where you're feeling it, but I'd wager it's simply the after effects of using muscles that have had it easy for a while.

If you're really serious about improving core strength and flexibility, I'd definitely recommend yoga. It really helped me to cut down on silly strains and tweaks when I was still playing rugby.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I know exacty where the stiffness is Monty it's in my external oblique.

I didn't think it was anything to worry about, but just wanted a little reassurance from people who have experienced similar when dong the same/similar swing change.


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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Good stuff. I'd take it as a good sign that you are actually engaging new muscles and doing something more positive with the hips.

If it lasts more than a couple of days, it means your leg is going to fall off and you should seek medical attention :D

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Good stuff. I'd take it as a good sign that you are actually engaging new muscles and doing something more positive with the hips.

If it lasts more than a couple of days, it means your leg is going to fall off and you should seek medical attention :D

Either that or buy some No-More-Nails and a silicone gun :D

In all seriousness I knew the day would come where I would only get so low with the swing I had. I know things will get worse before they get better, so 18 tomorrow should be interesting, but lets just see what happens.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
How it was explained to me was the lateral bump initiates the down swing and gets your weight moving toward the target allowing you to hit against your left hand side (Right handed player).

It tilts your spine slightly away from the target whilst putting your weight ahead of the ball and allowing you to swing from the inside.

If you are having pain I'd take a guess that it's because you are not extending UPWARDS with your hips at the point of impact. When you allow your hips to slide towards the target it cramps the space and makes the descending blow very steep, we have to push up off the ground (straightening the knees) through impact to shallow out the angle of attack.

In the pic you posted above see how 'tall' the guy looks and how high his left hip is at impact.