The G10 driver has arrived!


Head Pro
Dec 12, 2006
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As mentioned in an earlier post, i won a ping g10 driver from GM after completing the 2008 golf monthly survey.
Well it arrived today and of course i had to take it straight to the range and punish it.
Only hit about 30 balls with it as i don't like hitting too many with the driver in a session, It's a 10.5 deg stiff shaft spec . Quite forgiving on mis hit shots and the sound of a centre struck ball differs from off centre ,so you just know when you've flushed one.
But, apart from a slightly higher ball flight it didn't really out shine my trusty ft-3.
I appreciate that 30 balls is too few to make a proper comparison , and it will be going in the bag (maybe alongside the ft3 for a while) .
I'm well chuffed to have won something ,and i wouldn't of considered paying nearly £200 for a driver .Hopefully i will improve with it but it will be a real wrench to not see the ft-3 sitting in my bag!
Well done on your win.

Interesting comments about the G10. I have tried one of these as I was so impressed with my G10 Hybrid. However, could not seem to get away with it.

That said - as is in most instances with golf kit that "doesn't work" - I suspect it was due to the plum holding the club as opposed to the club itself.

Enjoy the G10