the follow through


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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i recently posted about slicing the ball. looking at my swing and after contact with the ball my hips continue spinging right round along with my arms and shoulders. i was wondering, is a bad follow though fixed by making a good swing or can working on your follow through fix a bad swing.


Tour Rookie
Aug 6, 2007
Croydon, Surrey
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Finishing position will give clues as to the style of swing. I had more of a verticle shaft angle at finish due to being 'shut'. Tryng to get more open and turn through the shot will result in a more horizontal shaft position at finish.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Faldo made a big deal about the follow through in one of his books.

A good swing will have the right things going on naturally. A swing with problems probably can be improved by working on your finish or something that happens at or after impact.
In fact I'm going to change probably to definitely. I did a drill for ages once that involved extending the arms and rolling over the left wrist to shut the face after the ball.....I seem to remember it worked a treat. Oddly, I can even remember the range where I hit 200 balls the day before a county match. That was 1996.

What went wrong?

Wife. Kids. Work. No golf for 10 years. (I digress). :eek:

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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While I understand what you're saying, a slice is usually down to an in-to-out swing path. Do you have a video of your swing? Have you had a pro check your swing?

I use some software that converts a video to still images (if your're intrested PM me and I'll send you the link...... Don't worry it's free) and you can check what happening at certain times of your swing.

As an example here is a picture of my swing during my follow through.


My hips are pointing towards my target, my arms have extended and my forearms have rotated over closing the face.

I'm not saying my swing is technically perfect, because it isn't and it's still a work-in-progress. However making sure my body is doing the right things at the right time has reduced what was my slice to a controllable fade and this has been reflected in my scoring.