The Apprentice


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
But what a job she's got.

Essentially flogging (even if she is in charge of the division), electronic signs to Drs surguries and hospitals. Oops, sorry. Giving away electronic signs to the aforementioned places. These signs will then 'give' information to patients?? Oh and a few adverts on them.

Whay hey. I gotta apply for next years to get a piece of that action.

Sorry. Really not something that I would find 'exciting' or interesting. Regardless of the £100k. In fact the £100k would put me off even more. I'd have to make a success of this 'thing' to justify my position. Yet I really don't give a stuff about electronic signs in the quacks! Work has to actually interest me, keep me 'fired up', and involved. If it has no interest to me. I can't do it.

I know.

I'm fired!!


Mar 30, 2009
East Sussex
Visit site
She looked like mutton dressed as lamb. I got the feeling that EVERYONE wanted Kate to win.

I wanted Yasmina.

I think Kate believed her own press too much and got a little to smug about it all.

As far as the final task went, AS bangs on and on every week about controlling costs. And apart from the fact that her chocolates tasted disgusting, Yasmina did a better job in the preparation of her product. Although Kate obviously is more natural at the actual presentation.

Form over function and all that.

But tbh, I am seriously wondering about having a go next series. Can't do any worse than most of this bunch, and AS reckons they're the best he's seen.