Swing video


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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the club head is lagging way behind. the hands reach the ball way before the club head. I do this quite a bit too. I will find a few videos that have helped me. will post them later tonight.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
He re routes the club onto an inside path during the transition & hits it from the inside with the face square to the swingpath, this gives the push as well as the fat shots. He also overswings a bit, he should concentrate on swinging the club down along the same path as it went up.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Whats his handicap ? Looks a nice movement too me , just maybe his body moves too quick and the club gets stuck behind. If he's pushes every shot maybe only a slight tweak is needed !!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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having some good results with this "feeling" ! I think it might help!

Deleted Member 1156

There isn't an issue with lag, that's not causing a problem, in fact the impact position is very good. The ball is starting on the line of the swing and the flight appears to be straight so he is hitting a very slight push. Having the clubhead closed just a degree or 2 at impact would turn his shot into a lovely soft draw. There is an issue with rerouting on the downswing but if it is consistent then I wouldn't worry about it too much, after all it works just fine for Garcia.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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There isn't an issue with lag, that's not causing a problem, in fact the impact position is very good. The ball is starting on the line of the swing and the flight appears to be straight so he is hitting a very slight push. Having the clubhead closed just a degree or 2 at impact would turn his shot into a lovely soft draw. There is an issue with rerouting on the downswing but if it is consistent then I wouldn't worry about it too much, after all it works just fine for Garcia.

he isn't launching the ball very high! looks like a negative angle of attack.

Deleted Member 1156

he isn't launching the ball very high! looks like a negative angle of attack.

I would be perfectly happy with that flight from my driver :thup:

If it's an adjustable driver he could always increase the loft a little or even try a higher spinning ball to provide a little bit more carry if required.


Journeyman Pro
Oct 4, 2009
He re routes the club onto an inside path during the transition & hits it from the inside with the face square to the swingpath, this gives the push as well as the fat shots. He also overswings a bit, he should concentrate on swinging the club down along the same path as it went up.

Its good to remain open to both swing planes till u know which works for you. Like the one plane doesn't suit me, it's not for everyone. For me I push shot because my hips get too quick and traps my hands behind, also fat shots through stsying on back foot.

Best advise is to see a PRO, there are very few on here qualified to advise and listening to me or most of the others on here might make things worse


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Wondering if anyone can give any advice on my friends swing.

Pushes nearly every shot, occasional fat shot as well./QUOTE]

A couple of things for him to have a look at.

Address:- In general quite a good posture, but looks to be reaching just a little at address but only a couple of inches, needs to move both feet two inches or so towards ball target line, so arms 'hang' a little more than at present, rather than reaching out quite so much with the arms, could well help a little with the push. From DTL view only can't see exactly the ball position but it wants to be opposite left heel, no further forward. Grip -assuming it's neutral ie. both V's formed with thumb/forefingers both hands better if they point same direction at right shoulder.

Pretty good overall motion through the swing back and through, keep the timing of the turn it's quite good, though a bit more solid knee action would be good, a bit of an over movement of the left knee going back which would also help with the next thing, the over-swing, your knees should move when your hip turn pulls them. One thing to look at, to help with the not consistent contact, which does need a little tightening up, there's quite a bit of an over-swing which means it's then much more difficult to get the arms and club back is sync with the body turn back down and through impact.
Ideally when your shoulders and body pivot reach the end of their turn going to the top your arms and club should stop too. Either just before the shaft is parallel to the ground, or at parallel. In general we over-swing feeling it gives us more speed therefore distance but normally (unless you're John Daly or Bubba) for us mere mortals it means inconsistent contact through impact and a less solid strike, so less distance and accuracy.
One thing to remember is with a driver swing you should for optimum launch angle swing on a slight upswing through the ball (hence why the ball position should be opposite your left heel so the low point of your swing arc is just before the clubhead arrives at the ball.
If you're on a launch monitor your Angle of Attack somewhere around +2 or +3 degrees (up), and with a 460 modern driver the sweet spot is just above the middle of the face, (in depth, and not dead centre) as it cuts down your spin rate which is what you want with a driver.
No need to manufacture tag on an overlong finish position at the end of swing.

If you give this a go with the rhythm already in the swing it should give you some better, more consistent contact through impact therefore results. Wouldn't do anything at the moment with the little loop, not necessary for now. In a swing in general the backswing is slightly higher and in the transition from the top the club shallows out a little to get in a good delivery position halfway down, your swing does this pretty good at the moment anyway.


Nov 16, 2011
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And, just to add another variable...

His feet seem to be aligned out to the right, certainly in relation with the lines on the mat - and that's pretty much where he hits it.


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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Looks like the swing is coming little to much from the inside and the right hand is underneath at impact, suggesting it hasn't fully released and hence the result is a face square to the path and a push. If you can get the release (easier said than done) then with that path the push should become a nice draw or straight shot.

To try and get the release, use an iron and take the club away to waist height and stop ensuring that the toe of the club is pointing to the sky, then make your swing through impact squaring the face up, giving a full extension on the follow through but again stopping at waist height with the club toe pointing skyward. Keep practicing that until you are hitting slight draws or straight shots. Then take it to a 3/4 swing etc....