suspension of play


New member
May 27, 2024
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playing a medal round the klaxon sounded for suspension of play but we where in a remote part of the golf course and did not hear it,a colleage playing three holes behind but nearer the pros shop heard the klaxon and walked after us and told us to stop play,we immediatley marked our golf balls and left the course.On resumption of play can we play on from where we marked our golf balls


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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playing a medal round the klaxon sounded for suspension of play but we where in a remote part of the golf course and did not hear it,a colleage playing three holes behind but nearer the pros shop heard the klaxon and walked after us and told us to stop play, we immediatley marked our golf balls and left the course.On resumption of play can we play on from where we marked our golf balls
Not only can you but you must.

5.7c. What Players Must Do When Play Resumes​

(1) Where to Resume Play. A player must resume play from where they stopped play on a hole or, if between two holes, at the next teeing area, even if play is resumed on a later day.​
