Stabilising the left knee.


Assistant Pro
Jun 15, 2017
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Recently I had a lesson with my coach, and I was asked to work on stabilising the left knee, stop lateral movement and also keep the hip rotation.

My left knee has a tendency to collapse inwards completely.

I’ve been doing it but have a couple of questions. For reference, I am right handed.

Firstly, when stabilising the left knee, what should it actually be doing? In my head when it’s stabilised it moves slightly inwards (no where near as much as before), and slightly forwards towards the ball.

Is this correct? Does anyone have any good videos showing proper left knee movement?

The other feeling I get when doing this is that instead of ‘transferring weight’ to my right foot, I feel like I apply pressure in that foot, to move the right hip backwards, whilst turning my bum to target. When doing this my right leg tends to straighten.

Firstly, is this the correct feeling for the hip turn, and should the right leg straighten or stay bent (or doesn’t matter)?

Any input appreciated!