Sir Nigel Farage?

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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Do you actually honestly believe he's 'revered by the many' :confused:

Oh I fear that he is...even if it is 100% of his acolytes that are calling into his LBC phone-in there are still way too many for the health of the nation.

If you never listen - then do have a go - 7pm every evening Mon-Thurs and Sunday morning after 10am. It would be a good laugh if it wasn't so serious. You only have to listen for a short while to get a feel...:(


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Dec 29, 2011
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Oh I fear that he is...even if it is 100% of his acolytes that are calling into his LBC phone-in there are still way too many for the health of the nation.

If you never listen - then do have a go - 7pm every evening Mon-Thurs and Sunday morning after 10am. It would be a good laugh if it wasn't so serious. You only have to listen for a short while to get a feel...:(

Working of an evening [as I do] fortunately there's zero chance of me listening in... It would be me getting the kicking if I tried to tune into something other than loud music...

Really don't believe he ever had any real influence beyond being part of those forcing Cameron into allowing the vote... Still believe the vast majority had long made their mind up which way to vote with hardly any influence from either campaigns...

He knows himself, I feel, he's now history which is why he's taking the easy option of media work...


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Working of an evening [as I do] fortunately there's zero chance of me listening in... It would be me getting the kicking if I tried to tune into something other than loud music...

Really don't believe he ever had any real influence beyond being part of those forcing Cameron into allowing the vote... Still believe the vast majority had long made their mind up which way to vote with hardly any influence from either campaigns...

He knows himself, I feel, he's now history which is why he's taking the easy option of media work...

He is very anti-May - believes she is a total disaster and remains a Remainer doing her best to get the softest of soft Brexits.

Now he would be an irrelevance to me but I just have a concern that if the views of his acolytes are even part representative of even a minority of Leave voters - there will be a lot of very unhappy Leave voters out there when their expectations are completely dashed by the deal that is reached - and if they take his views as advice and a lead, then they will be on the streets.


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Dec 29, 2011
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He is very anti-May - believes she is a total disaster and remains a Remainer doing her best to get the softest of soft Brexits.

And, with that I totally agree with him...

And, I really can't see any other party leader being any different...

Politicians love the 'gravy train' and Brexit will rob them of too many opportunities to keep their collective snouts in the proverbial trough...


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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And, with that I totally agree with him...

And, I really can't see any other party leader being any different...

Politicians love the 'gravy train' and Brexit will rob them of too many opportunities to keep their collective snouts in the proverbial trough...

And I suspect that May feels that there isn't anyone out there that could take her place who wouldn't just make things worse. Farage tells us that we (the UK) are a laughing stock. He's loving it. Divide, divide.


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
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And I suspect that May feels that there isn't anyone out there that could take her place who wouldn't just make things worse. Farage tells us that we (the UK) are a laughing stock. He's loving it. Divide, divide.

'Divide, divide' ?

Is that not the aim of the remainers?

Having the majority vote set aside, ignored, manipulated for their own ends...


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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'Divide, divide' ?

Is that not the aim of the remainers?

Having the majority vote set aside, ignored, manipulated for their own ends...

The aim of remainers - really? What has caused the current divide? - the referendum; who wanted the referendum? - those who wanted to Leave - with cheerleader Mr Nigel Farage.

We have a divided country because we have had a referendum that has split opinion in the country in half; and a Leave lobby unwilling or unable to make any concessions to the views and fears of the Remain camp as it drives the country towards the cliff edge.
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