Shorter driver and 3 wood shaft may help


Head Pro
Apr 18, 2009
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I can hit my 4 iron a fair way and straight'ish as I feel that I am over the ball, but when I use the driver or three wood because the shafts are longer I cannot take up my position over the ball, my inside leg measurement is only 29"and have a longer torso as I am 5ft 10, do you think that shortening the shaft would help me.I am using standard JPX 850 woods off the shelf.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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were you fitted for the jpx850's?

thing is with metals & driver set-up at address should be such that no-one is taking a position over the ball (if that is kinda referring to chest being more overtop (covering) the ball at set-up) as that just going to encourage a pretty steep angle of attack

4i shaft length at likely just over 38" generally the set-up wouldn't really be 'over' the ball either as although the AoA is down - only looking at down approx 2º-3º
& over the 4i likely the 3 metal is approx 5" longer at a little over 43" with driver likely 2" or so longer again

my guess would be that very possible a bunch of swing issues you may be experiencing will owe a good bunch of stuff to a set-up address position and thoughts around how that should be that's a bunch awry

for sure you can always chop little length off of a 3 metal and/or driver as shorter shaft will offer the potential of more control (but less distance) but the set-up still shouldn't be overtop chest 'covering' ball when chopped at say 3m at approx 42" driver 44"

guess it's a familiar answer but going along to Pro and getting some clarity over set-up/posture and distance the hands are away from the body with driver, 3 metal and 4i would probably be the best ways to go - and coming away from that with some 'picture, video reference' of that in order to be able to refer back to whether the 3metal/driver lengths get chopped or not

if you not fitted originally for the clubs could always ask the Pro for a lie check on the irons - either through GC2 with HMT or just hitting off of a 'lie board'


Journeyman Pro
May 25, 2009
Newport South Wales
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tried it doesn't work for me, it just looks wrong IMO. I'm the same with my 4 iron (pro dhy) but lack the confidence in the woods.
I went down the mini driver route, best move I ever made, not seeing any distance loss


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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To be fair I haven't been a good Driver of the ball since I wrecked my ankle 12 years ago and had to have a year off....struggled with anything more than a 3 wood since then


Head Pro
Apr 18, 2009
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were you fitted for the jpx850's?

thing is with metals & driver set-up at address should be such that no-one is taking a position over the ball (if that is kinda referring to chest being more overtop (covering) the ball at set-up) as that just going to encourage a pretty steep angle of attack

4i shaft length at likely just over 38" generally the set-up wouldn't really be 'over' the ball either as although the AoA is down - only looking at down approx 2º-3º
& over the 4i likely the 3 metal is approx 5" longer at a little over 43" with driver likely 2" or so longer again

my guess would be that very possible a bunch of swing issues you may be experiencing will owe a good bunch of stuff to a set-up address position and thoughts around how that should be that's a bunch awry

for sure you can always chop little length off of a 3 metal and/or driver as shorter shaft will offer the potential of more control (but less distance) but the set-up still shouldn't be overtop chest 'covering' ball when chopped at say 3m at approx 42" driver 44"

guess it's a familiar answer but going along to Pro and getting some clarity over set-up/posture and distance the hands are away from the body with driver, 3 metal and 4i would probably be the best ways to go - and coming away from that with some 'picture, video reference' of that in order to be able to refer back to whether the 3metal/driver lengths get chopped or not

if you not fitted originally for the clubs could always ask the Pro for a lie check on the irons - either through GC2 with HMT or just hitting off of a 'lie board'

Interesting reading ,thanks for your reply.I played today tried the 3 wood and just duffed it so went back to the 4 iron and was hitting it as far as my pp's with their drivers but more I was hitting it straight. I have got some lessons booked and will use them to try and get me sorted.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Interesting reading ,thanks for your reply.I played today tried the 3 wood and just duffed it so went back to the 4 iron and was hitting it as far as my pp's with their drivers but more I was hitting it straight. I have got some lessons booked and will use them to try and get me sorted.

no problem

hopefully the lessons will help identify what it is that's goin on that's good and anything that may need little ways help over sorting out a bunch better

sound posture is for sure real important to give a better chance of better strike and shot outcomes and posture through the bag has to change some

the spine, pelvic and leg angles all real key to have the arms/hands/handle in a good basic structure, and often times the distance between the hands/handle from the body is key to sound connection plus good natural width through the swing motion in order not to lose posture particularly during the backswing with the longer length end of the bag

and usually having arms hands handle in a good place at set-up once sorted is a more reliable way to be a good optimum distance from the ball with whichever club

to have a good workable swing arc (plane, path however you want to label that) with the metals, driver because of the extra shaft length that swing arc still for sure needs to have natural width to it, get really narrow any and the issues will be magnified because of the clubs length and also ball position within the stance is real key

but there a myriad of stuff that can go down to hinder 3metal, driver outcomes big one being lateral sway off of the ball
so good to get the Pro's perspective to give some clarity on the ways to go - if it is anything to do with posture, arms hang hands/handle distance from body etc good thing to do (if the lesson is not a video one) is to take the cell fone and ask if you can get some visual reference on any changes (if there are any)

hope it goes good cause if you can get to a place to be able to use the long stuff with a little more confidence should open up the way to even more improvements to the game
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