Shell's Wonderful World of Golf - Vintage eps


Tour Winner
Feb 15, 2015
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Used to love the really old Shell's Wonderful World of Golf shows that Sky showed back in the late 90s and early noughties.

Not quite so keen on the 10-15 year old ones with younger versions of Phil, Ernie and Jose etc. I'm talking about the ones showing matches from the 60s &70s. Really packed full of nostalgia and reminded me of when I was a nipper watching the golf with my Dad. Names like Tony Lima, Julius Boros and of course young Nicklaus, Palmer & Player etc.

One thing that stood out a mile was how the greens were so much slower then. Players used to give the ball one heck of a rap on the longer putts. It amazed me to see it hurtling along but then suddenly come to an almost abrupt halt as if it had hit a patch of treacle or something.

Ah, fond memories.

This is the kind of thing I'm on about and before anyone starts. No I wasn't around when these were first broadcast!!

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Deleted member 18588

I remember in the '70s clubs used to have film nights.

Filled the clubhouse with members keen to see some of these Shell films and official films of the Open and events such as Piccadilly World Matchplay.

Very little golf on TV in those days so these evenings provided rare opportunities to see the world greats, and a couple of pints at the same time. Happy days!


Aug 5, 2011
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I remember in the '70s clubs used to have film nights.

Filled the clubhouse with members keen to see some of these Shell films and official films of the Open and events such as Piccadilly World Matchplay.

Very little golf on TV in those days so these evenings provided rare opportunities to see the world greats, and a couple of pints at the same time. Happy days!

things like a round with Allis (3 holes) and pro celebrity golf on a Sunday night from Gleneagles were highlights of the week.

Nowadays you can get 24/7 golf

...and you try telling the kids of today, they won't believe you :rolleyes:

Tiger man

Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 1, 2015
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I love watchin these still on Sky, mainly ones from the 90's and 00's mind. Great format as you see every shot and not just the good ones like they show on their normal coverage!