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Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I'm not normally one for boycotting companies when they represent the most convenient option, but this is one I really want to stick to. Utter scum and I sincerely hope they go under. We were one of those who were repeatedly ignored for refunds last year and had to go through the credit card route. Reading this now doesn't even make any sense. Can they actually believe customers were in the wrong for requesting refunds on cancelled flights??


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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I'm not normally one for boycotting companies when they represent the most convenient option, but this is one I really want to stick to. Utter scum and I sincerely hope they go under. We were one of those who were repeatedly ignored for refunds last year and had to go through the credit card route. Reading this now doesn't even make any sense. Can they actually believe customers were in the wrong for requesting refunds on cancelled flights??

They will never go under, it's horrible the way they work. He litterally doesn't care

He knows people don't have a choice in places

One of my colleagues lives in Ireland and where he lives is Ryan air or nobody .. they only ones that provide the level of flights he requires

The owner used to own a shop apparently, on Xmas day he used to open and triple the price of batteries .. knowing that desperate parents would pay it to get their kids toys working!


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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They will never go under, it's horrible the way they work. He litterally doesn't care

He knows people don't have a choice in places

One of my colleagues lives in Ireland and where he lives is Ryan air or nobody .. they only ones that provide the level of flights he requires

The owner used to own a shop apparently, on Xmas day he used to open and triple the price of batteries .. knowing that desperate parents would pay it to get their kids toys working!
Yeah, that's what I mean about it being difficult to stick with boycotting companies sometimes. I will try though, I don't go on holiday that often. ?


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Yeah, that's what I mean about it being difficult to stick with boycotting companies sometimes. I will try though, I don't go on holiday that often. ?

I've never flown with them fortunately

My foreign holidays (except usa) have always been package holidays that had their own planes

Always avoided the option to use Ryan air where possible

But then we don't go on many

And now we got the 3 we won't be flying for many many many many many many years lol


Jul 11, 2009
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The worst turbulence I’ve ever felt was during a Ryanair flight. I half convinced myself that they don’t allow pilots to go around bad weather to save fuel. ?


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 2, 2008
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Do you think if he was dragged to Scotland games and seen real suffering and angst, he would discover some empathy and begin to treat people like human beings???
Or, should I just I just drag him round the course with me and really, really, make him suffer??
Everything I've read, heard about both his personality and working practises make me think that he is just a nasty, nasty, piece of :poop:!
I'm just sorry for ALL the folk he's KNOWINGLY STOLE FROM----and probably ( semi ) legally!!!!!


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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I agree entirely with the comments expressed. We were caught out big time but managed to obtain refunds with a struggle. I said I would never book with them again but relented. We are away at present with Ryanair flights. We were stuck last month on a runway waiting for a part and the time for delay passed 2.5 hours. I was hoping for an extra 30 mins for €600 each but with 15 minutes to go we departed.

I object every time we fly but last month to fill flights they had Ibiza return for £9.98. We did not take them but sure many did. Absolutely loathe O’Leary. They go to places other airlines don’t go to with good flight times. Still despise them


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Posting an alternate view which may not be liked but all I ask is give it a read as an impartial viewpoint

I’ve had my own trials with Ryanair years ago that cost me 3 digits to sort out, so not a big fan. I also had protracted issues of nearly a year getting my flights refund during covid with BA, so believe me when I say I’ve been through this too, (& leaving aside whether Ryanair took the correct approach to these subset of refunds) but… as far as I can tell Ryanair are saying, ‘if you used the chargeback scheme to get money back on flights that flew, we don’t want to do business with you again’ Is that wrong of them?

If I have a dispute/disagreement with any seller/service provider the obvious repercussion for the seller is they might lose me as a future customer, by the same token one of the possible repercussions for me is I might lose the option to buy from that seller. Where’s the disproportion?

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Posting an alternate view which may not be liked but all I ask is give it a read as an impartial viewpoint

I’ve had my own trials with Ryanair years ago that cost me 3 digits to sort out, so not a big fan. I also had protracted issues of nearly a year getting my flights refund during covid with BA, so believe me when I say I’ve been through this too, (& leaving aside whether Ryanair took the correct approach to these subset of refunds) but… as far as I can tell Ryanair are saying, ‘if you used the chargeback scheme to get money back on flights that flew, we don’t want to do business with you again’ Is that wrong of them?

If I have a dispute/disagreement with any seller/service provider the obvious repercussion for the seller is they might lose me as a future customer, by the same token one of the possible repercussions for me is I might lose the option to buy from that seller. Where’s the disproportion?

The disproportion is in taking the money and then holding the customer to ransom at the time of travel. If Ryanair didn’t want the business because that customer had obtained a chargeback, the customer should have been told at the time of booking, not at the time of boarding. It’s that simple.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Posting an alternate view which may not be liked but all I ask is give it a read as an impartial viewpoint

I’ve had my own trials with Ryanair years ago that cost me 3 digits to sort out, so not a big fan. I also had protracted issues of nearly a year getting my flights refund during covid with BA, so believe me when I say I’ve been through this too, (& leaving aside whether Ryanair took the correct approach to these subset of refunds) but… as far as I can tell Ryanair are saying, ‘if you used the chargeback scheme to get money back on flights that flew, we don’t want to do business with you again’ Is that wrong of them?

If I have a dispute/disagreement with any seller/service provider the obvious repercussion for the seller is they might lose me as a future customer, by the same token one of the possible repercussions for me is I might lose the option to buy from that seller. Where’s the disproportion?
Yes, because nobody would have had to go to that length if they'd have just treated their customers properly. They made themselves almost impossible to contact and made people wait months and months on end.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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The disproportion is in taking the money and then holding the customer to ransom at the time of travel. If Ryanair didn’t want the business because that customer had obtained a chargeback, the customer should have been told at the time of booking, not at the time of boarding. It’s that simple.

Yeah I see one example of that cited in articles, not good. Could be wrong of course I assume they only discovered the link between the passenger with disputed transaction/chargeback and the new booking when checking the passenger in etc (maybe diff credit cards, new passport etc who knows) as i say not good but if it is isolated it probably means most are as you say being denied at time of booking


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Yes, because nobody would have had to go to that length if they'd have just treated their customers properly. They made themselves almost impossible to contact and made people wait months and months on end.

Yeah same as hundreds of other companies that did this in covid

I do get what you’re saying, I don't think ryanair acted well, in just the same way I don't think BA acted correctly handling my refund, they are exactly the same.
My point being if you do decide to use the chargeback scheme (with ryanair or any other company) I’m just not sure what folks thought would happen if they try and shop there again? That both parties would just bump along in future like nothing happened?


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Yeah same as hundreds of other companies that did this in covid

I do get what you’re saying, I don't think ryanair acted well, in just the same way I don't think BA acted correctly handling my refund, they are exactly the same.
My point being if you do decide to use the chargeback scheme (with ryanair or any other company) I’m just not sure what folks thought would happen if they try and shop there again? That both parties would just bump along in future like nothing happened?
I guess the thought processes would be..
Customer: I don't want to use Ryanair again but I have no choice as they're the only ones who fly to the destination I want to go to.
Ryanair: This customer caused us a minor irritation, but at the end of the day more customers more money so we're not going to say no.
So it's kind of mutually beneficial to carry on 'like nothing happened'.


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2015
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I struggle to have sympathy for Ryanair passengers when they get treated like, well, Ryanair passengers. Ryanair have never made a secret out of the fact that they will always do the minimum possible for the customer. And in any dispute the customer is always wrong. Indeed they positively boast about it as a virtue.

If you make the choice to be a Ryanair customer, you lose the right to complain about being treated like a Ryanair customer!


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I guess the thought processes would be..
Customer: I don't want to use Ryanair again but I have no choice as they're the only ones who fly to the destination I want to go to.
Ryanair: This customer caused us a minor irritation, but at the end of the day more customers more money so we're not going to say no.
So it's kind of mutually beneficial to carry on 'like nothing happened'.

wouldn't it be more like
Customer: I don't want to use Ryanair again but I have no choice as they're the only ones who fly to the destination I want to go to... but if I pee them off I might get barred. its a risk i'm happy with, i'll do the chargeback and deal with the consequence

What ryanair (or companies on receiving end of a chargeback) might say:
: This customer just cost us more than the cost of the ticket they bought on top of the chargeback refund because we get a financial penalty from the bank for every chargeback raised, and at the end of the day now that they've done it once what's to stop them doing it in future if they miss a flight for whatever reason, so we're going to say no

Again, I don't agree with ryanairs non-refund decision or their booking terms/conditions, but then again i didn't book with them


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
Nobody likes Ryanair, but lots of people fly with them. Whilst it is true that a lot of them use them as they're the only company that fly to certain destinations, most do it because they're cheap.
Everybody should know by now what they are like as a provider, and to a degree it is you get what you pay for. You pays your money and you takes your choice.