Rules night


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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I love rules. It's great knowing a few that are often thrown at you incorrectly and you can respond with the correct rule. Best one I had was when the three I was playing with were googling the rule whilst walking down the next fairway and coming to a dead stop when they found I was right. If done correctly, without any nastiness, you don't half go up in peoples estimation and they remember your name in the clubhouse too. :)


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Last night we very enjoyable rules evening at Ellesmere, Simon Edwards, a tour rules official and coach gave an entertaining talk with lots of audience participation sadly barely 30 people turned up.

How can you get people engaged with learning the rules if they dont support events like this
You wont unfortunately . We had one with the late Barry Rhodes was very good but not well attended . People with no r little understanding of the rules wont turn up , its a pity as they are the ones who would benifit most

Pathetic Shark

Tour Rookie
Oct 16, 2013
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I ran a rules night a few years back and two of our club loudmouths bemoaned it to all and sundry and naturally did not turn up.
The following week, one of them was DQ'd from a major club competition for not signing his card.

I am still laughing about it now.


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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I ran a rules night a few years back and two of our club loudmouths bemoaned it to all and sundry and naturally did not turn up.
The following week, one of them was DQ'd from a major club competition for not signing his card.

I am still laughing about it now.

We've some like this - I think if we had one they would totally deride it before, during and after. Unfortunate really for the OP but hopefully the 30 or so who did turn up had a good night


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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I ran a rules night a few years back and two of our club loudmouths bemoaned it to all and sundry and naturally did not turn up.
The following week, one of them was DQ'd from a major club competition for not signing his card.

I am still laughing about it now.

you hardly need to go to a rules night to know you have to sign your card lol


Apr 10, 2018
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Last night we very enjoyable rules evening at Ellesmere, Simon Edwards, a tour rules official and coach gave an entertaining talk with lots of audience participation sadly barely 30 people turned up.

How can you get people engaged with learning the rules if they dont support events like this
Louise, did you have to pay Simon for this, if so, can you share how much please (PM if appropriate)?
@HomerJSimpson, did you ever find out who your person was?


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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As an Academy helper/mentor I attended an Academy Social evening a few weeks ago. We had one of our assistant pros set up chipping and putting comps in our function room and a (56yd) pitching challenge in our studio. Splitting into six groups of 4/5 each with at least one mentor, three groups started on the challenges and meanwhile the other three were doing a Catchphrase-style quiz. And the groups rotated. After all had completed the challenges and the quiz, buffet food was put out and we had a short 20 question rules quiz.

It was all great fun and the rules quiz was really useful for both academy members and mentors…fortunately I was able to help our team get 18 out of 20…I got two wrong…and come equal first…and I was able to clarify a lot of the ‘why and when‘ about some of the less obvious scenarios.

A great success. Will be repeated.
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Apr 10, 2018
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My county run pretty regular (on request from clubs) rules evenings . Usually a team of 2 or 3 refs with a room sized hole layout. I usually work local(ish) ones and we regularly get over 80 participants.
And do the clubs have to pay for them? Any idea on budget if they do?


Club Champion
Aug 25, 2009
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Outside of team players I wonder how many below their mid 30s pay that much interest in them other than to get around the course. It’s only as I’ve gotten older that I’ve taken more notice, most people just want to have a fun round with their mates and it only really becomes an issue in competitions.

One of the big one is nearest point of relief for me. I’ve challenged this loads