Rule 12-1 a & b


Head Pro
Oct 8, 2012
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This question is prompted by something that happened to my wife today.

Her ball ended up buried in a pile of leaves in a bunker. According to rule 12-1b, she is allowed to move the leaves to find the ball, and then replace them. But if she accidentally moves the ball while searching in the leaves, there's a 1 shot penalty under rule 18-2. OK, fair enough.

But rule 12-1a allows you to search for a ball buried in sand, and if you move it while searching there is no penalty.

My question is: can anyone explain the rationale why it's a penalty when seraching under leaves, but not under sand?
It just seems inconsistent.


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Feb 21, 2013
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I would guess that it is thought easier to pick up or move leaves individually and so reduce the chance of moving the ball unintentionally.

I would think it almost impossible to move sand without disturbing a buried ball.

duncan mackie

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Feb 19, 2012
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I believe any inconsistency is deliberate, but exactly why escapes me! If I was to guess it would be along Rulefan's suggestion, possibly taken further I that it can be impossible to effectively re-create a lose impediment lie whilst, to all intents and purposes, you can in sand. However the changes below would seem counter to that!

This area of the rules has been subject to quite a lot of change over the last few editions from no penalty for accidentially moving it, but a prohibition on deliberately moving it to identify (which was why you couldn't play a wrong ball from a hazard...) to penalty for it moving accidentally but being allowed to deliberately move it for identification.

Would I bet against a further revision shortly (next 2 editions)?