Right side dominant???


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Ho hum my roller coaster ride continues :(

Have moved from toe strikes to the heel with some spells in the middle in between - what bliss they were. Today and also yesterday I hit some off the heel (irons only) and some weird mis-hits which went low and right but not far and couldn't work out what part of the club made contact. Long game in good shape both driver and hybrid-wise.

Went to the range afterwards today with impact tape and the first weird mis-hit looked like a heel shot but to my surprise the contact was high and middle-ish although a glancing blow.

Kept plugging away and some good shots but liberally interspersed with heel shots and the weird mis-hit variety. Never felt comfortable over the ball but think that was tension and anxiety as checked alignment etc. Hit some with a moulded training grip and don't think it's grip-related although do feel the club shift in my hands sometimes on the take-away...

With me so far oh lovely experts??

Anyway, I could feel my right side really taking over and whether that was right hip or right arm/shoulder I'm not sure but think the mis-hits are a dreadful steer/push...The club starts to feel heavier in my right hand somehow and not in a good way.

Last 3 balls (by now I was in need of a stiff drink and pillow) I tried to kind of pull the club down with my left side (hand and arms mainly) rather than push with my right and they were all good shots. It wasn't easy to do though and it does feel like my left side has been a passenger and gradually more and more the right side dominates.

Should it? Should it be 50/50 left to right?? Or....

Any advice much appreciated as this flipping roller coaster ride I'm on is making me feel quite sick :confused:


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Sorry cant help. Been playing ok recently. Went out today and could not hit a damn thing. Hooks, slices(think they were the but going to say it), fats and thins. So I'm the last person to give advice. Sat here looking at a Stub nosed 9mm at the moment???


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Sorry cant help. Been playing ok recently. Went out today and could not hit a damn thing. Hooks, slices(think they were the but going to say it), fats and thins. So I'm the last person to give advice. Sat here looking at a Stub nosed 9mm at the moment???

Tell me about it. I just cannot find any consistency and play a few good rounds and think I've finally turned a corner and then bang I get a kick in the chops like today. Confidence never gets a boost and that's a big part of what goes wrong too I think. By the end of the range session today I was a basket case and kept looking at the last ball and almost not daring to hit it. In the end I did and it was good so then it's "ooh quit or get another" so collected one from in front of the bay and more of the same and did that again and then dragged myself away trying to remember those last 3 shots.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Cant help with your problem really, although I imagine it's a changing spine angle through the swing, but just curious where you get your impact tape from?

Pro shop gave me some although my coach will usually give me a it of a roll after lessons etc.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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So, the club isn't coming back to the ball at the same place consistently ?

Not at all Bob. Sometimes not even sure what part makes contact.

Checked grip, ball position and alignment and they all seem ok although feel oddly uncomfortable at address like something is out of kilter.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Check your head in your shadow and see if it moves on the b/swing

Ok will give it a go. Moving up and down or side to side - or both - yikes??! I feel like it's something along those lines and maybe I'm swaying but when I try not to I feel stuck and unable to get through the shot properly.

Edit - smacking my driver and hybrid nicely :confused: